(Natural News) Australian TV channel ABC has accidentally shown its viewers footage from a Satanic ritual during the middle of a routine newscast. The blunder was linked online to a current court case about teaching Satanism in schools.
The Occult Meaning of Lil Nas X’s “MONTERO” and the Symbolism of His “Satan Shoes”
(Staff Writer) In the video “MONTERO (Call Me By Your Name)”, Lil Nas X descends to hell and literally grinds on Satan. The rapper also released custom “Satan shoes” which contain actual human blood and limited to 666 pairs. Related Eurovision Song “El Diablo” Sparks Protests for its Satanic Message Source – Vigilant Citizen by Vigilant Citizen, […]
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The Occult Ether Theory and Electropulsion
(Staff Writer) The theory which I espouse in this book is based on what can be corroborated throughout the words and developments of Nikola Tesla and their logically construed implications, in combination with other special information linked to that, as presented here and in my prior book, Space Aliens From the Pentagon. This theory is close to Tesla’s Dynamic Theory of Gravity, and I like to think that it even makes some corrections that Tesla himself made or would have made, had he lived long enough.
Occult Numerology By Biblioteca Pleyades
(Staff Writer) “In Freemasonry is embedded the core or the secret heart of the occult mysteries, wrapped up on number, metaphor and symbol.”
The Occult Meaning of The Weeknd’s Super Bowl Performance
(Vigilant Citizen) Why is The Weekend constantly wearing the same outfit? And what’s up with the guys with bandaged faces? Here’s a look at the occult meaning of The Weekend’s enigmatic Super Bowl performance.
The Cult of the Brave ‘New Normal’
(Dr Bruce Scott) In March, it was just a three-week lockdown, to flatten the curve so as not to overwhelm the NHS.
United Nations New World Order Website Shows A DESPERATE Deep State
(Justin Deschamps) The United Nations recently launched a new website (unnwo.org) and initiative called United Nations New World Order. Yes, that is exactly what it sounds like. When I first heard this story, I assumed it was fake news. But after investigating, nothing could be further from the truth. A Yahoo News article was posted on the 19th of March, confirming that the site and initiative are indeed real. What could this mean?
CLAIM: European Royals Allegedly Killing Children in Human Hunting Parties — 4 Eyewitnesses Testify
(Judy Byington) This is one in a series of articles taken from eyewitness testimony before the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels.
Has the Democratic Party Been infiltrated by Satanists?
(Marko De Francis) There’s a compelling case that can be made that the Democratic Party has been infiltrated by Satanists.
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They’re Initiating You into Their Dark Occult Sacraments [Way of the Truth Warrior Excerpt] (Video)
They’re Initiating You into Their Dark Occult Sacraments [Way of the Truth Warrior Excerpt] (Video)
UPDATED: Why Do Satanists Wear Red Shoes? And Why did Chrissy Teigen Allegedly Tweet About Anthony Weiner in 2011?
(Justin Deschamps) Based on the research I’ve done over the years related to the dark occult and symbols they employ, the following article discussing red shoe symbolism is worthy of consideration. Of course, when it comes to symbols like this, they can suggest a lot but they are not outright proofs of satanic affiliation. In other words, don’t make the radical mistake some people make by assuming anyone you see wearing red shoes is now a card-carrying member of the dark occult.
The Bohemian Club and the New Manhattan Project
(Peter A. Kirby) It’s that time of year again! As the summer solstice approaches, the members of San Francisco’s exclusive Bohemian Club get ready for their big, annual get-together along the banks of the Russian River in Sonoma County, CA. Their annual retreat is held at their Bohemian Grove – also known simply as ‘The Grove.’ What exactly it is that they do up there remains largely a matter of hearsay and speculation. We do know that some of the most powerful people in the world attend and that senior Grovers dress up like Ku Klux Klansmen to burn the effigy of a child in front of a huge stone owl. That much is well documented.
The Alliance Just Put an End to Ba’al Worship on May Day: The Rule of Law and Respect for the Divine is Being Restored
(Justin Deschamps) Why is the rule of law so important? Why is May 1st such a significant occult holiday? Why does Q and the patriots talk about the rule of law and God so much? What is the connection between God, Law, and the US Constitution and the Declaration of Independence? The answers to these questions are some of the most significant things we could discuss, especially during this time of transition between the old way of tyranny and the new way of freedom.
The Blatant “Occult Elite” Symbolism at the 2020 Vogue Ball in Brazil
(Vigilant Citizen) This elite event featured stars from Brazil and around the world dressed in highly symbolic attire. Here’s a look at these costumes and their hidden occult meaning.
BREAKING: Leaked Document “THE TORONTO PROTOCOLS“ from 1985 Reveals Deep State Agenda for the Future… And It’s Coming True
(Justin Deschamps) An Anon posted an English translation of an alleged leaked Canadian document “The Toronto Protocols” that appears to be a Deep State manifesto by a group named “6.6.6.” It discusses plans to create an integrated network of computers (the internet), funded by entertainment and humanitarian aid, for the purpose of controlling humanity via mass distractions and “debauchery.” By all accounts, the document, at the very least, speaks to developments playing out today, suggesting other plans revealed therein might soon come to pass.