(John Vibes) Keith Raniere, the leader of the Hollywood sex cult NXIVM, was sentenced to 120 years in prison on Tuesday. Initially, the 60-year-old cult leader was facing just 15 years for charges of sex-trafficking, racketeering, child pornography, and forced labor. However, Brooklyn federal court Judge Nicholas Garaufis used his discretion to increase the sentence to 120 years. Raniere was also ordered to pay a $1.72 million fine.
Here are all the most disturbing incidents from within the NXIVM cult
(Sara Casaus)Cults are some of the weirder and more disturbing results of people grasping for all-encompassing power. When you have ultimate control over a person’s life you can make them do whatever you want. The women that were enmeshed in the NXIVM cult found out just what that meant when they experienced the horrible practices of the cult’s leader.
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80 Victims of NXIVM Sex Slave Cult File Mass Action Suit
(Max Mitchell) The long list of claims raised in the complaint include fraud, identity theft, racketeering, forced labor and sex trafficking, and negligence for engaging in unauthorized practice of psychoanalysis, and mental health counselling.
NXIVM Sex Cult Ran Daycare Centers Where Child Sex Slaves Were Subjected to Mutilation and Other Heinous “Experiments”
(Ethan Huff) Authorities have uncovered another dirty secret of the NXIVM sex cult, which was apparently operating a chain of faux daycare centers that in reality were child sex slave facilities funded by campaign supporters of failed Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.
More Details Emerge From NXIVM ‘Sex Cult’ Implicating Hollywood & The International Financial Elite
(Arjun Walia) Just a few years ago, talking about the connection between sex cults, the trafficking of women and children, and some very prominent people in positions of power would have people telling you to ‘go put on your tinfoil hat.’
NXIVM Pedogate Cult Leader, Keith Raniere, Found Guilty On All Counts
(Zero Hedge) NXIVM sex-cult leader and accused pedophile Keith Raniere was found guilty on Wednesday of running the ultra-secretive organization that hot-branded and tortured women as part of an organized scheme to provide himself with a constant supply of sex slaves.
Master Please Brand Me’: NXIVM Sex Cult Founder Keith Raniere Created a Sick Oath to Make Burning His Initials into Bikini Lines Look Voluntary as Other Branded Women Held Down His Nude ‘Slaves’
(Leah Simson) Nxivm founder Keith Raniere created an oath for sex trafficking victims to say during painful branding ceremonies so it looked like the cult ritual of mutilating their private regions with his initials was voluntary.
Whistleblower Tells All, Claiming Hillary Clinton, Chuck Schumer, Kirsten Gillibrand and Other Prominent Democrats Are Involved in Human Trafficking, Sex Slavery, and Satanism
(Ethan Huff) A former publicist for the infamous sex cult NXIVM has come forward as a whistleblower to tell all that he knows about the evils he witnessed while working for the group – and perhaps more importantly, to reveal the identities of some of the corrupt politicians who were also involved.
NXIVM Sex-Cult Prosecutors Have Alleged Evidence Of Illegal Clinton Campaign Contributions For “Political Influence”
(Zero Hedge) A cult which tried to buy favor with Hillary Clinton, allegedly.
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Hollywood Actress Admits to Manipulating Women Into Becoming Sex Slaves for Cult Leader
(Zero Hedge) Former Smallville actress Allison Mack wept in a Brooklyn federal courtroom on Monday as she pleaded guilty to charges that she manipulated women into becoming sex slaves for the leader of a purported self-help group tied to the Clintons.
Prosecutors Accuse Rothschild-Connected Billionaire of Protecting Child Trafficking Sex Cult
(Matt Agorist) A New York Federal Judge is bringing in all the accused members of the sex trafficking cult after he found “issues” with a billionaire backed defense fund in their name.
Q Decode NXIVM — What MSM isn’t Reporting
Q Decode NXIVM — What MSM isn’t Reporting
Rothschild Connected Billionaire Arrested for Role in NXIVM Child Trafficking Sex Slave Ring
(Jay Syrmopoulos) The Rothschild-connected billionaire heiress to the Seagram’s dynasty has been arrested for her role in the child sex trafficking cult NXIVM.
Rothschilds, NXIVM Sex Cult Connected to Alleged Child-Trafficking Bunker Found in Tucson
(Jay Syrmopoulos) The area in which a group of veterans claims to have found a child trafficking bunker is owned by CEMEX, a multinational building company partially owned by the firm linked to the NXIVM cult, Bronfman E.L. Rothschild L.P.