Two major issues coalescing in our world at this present moment is that of the coming gold standard/gold-backed global monetary system and the troubling prevalence of digital censorship. […]
Declaration of NESARA/GESARA Coming Soon? Sacha Stone Thinks So
Former CIA spy Robert David Steele had researcher and activist Sacha Stone back on for a 13 minute update to talk about NESARA, a possible debt jubilee, the Republic of the United States, human trafficking and pedophilia. Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this? The preceding information is an update from one […]
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CENSOREDSacha Stone: Virus As A Deep State Detox To Usher in NESARA? (Video)
Researcher and activist Sacha Stone has put out an urgent video discussing his views on the Coronavirus being a move made to cleanse the Deep State from our world by initiating arrests and possibly ushering in NESARA. As always, use discernment and come to your own conclusions regarding this massively trending topic right now. If […]
Updated: Trump Pushes For The Biggest Emergency Economic Stimulus in History — Mass Arrests, NESARA, Financial Reset Initiated?
(Justin Deschamps) In an unprecedented move, President Donald Trump announced today that he will be spearheading the largest emergency economic stimulus package in US history.
As BK aptly points out, Discernment Advised. There is a heavy amount of Disinformation related to this topic, which is always an indication that there is some validity to it, but what is the ‘correct’ interpretation? – Justin Source – Brian Kelly’s Blog THE FEDERAL RESERVE ACT IS EXPIRING – THIS DECEMBER 23, 2013 December 23, […]
The Galactic Roundtable – NESARA Law
Thank you Angel for posting this. This has become infamous in the alternative news and truth movements. The data is interesting and good to hold on to and it is what i like to call nebulous data. Data that is difficult to directly tie to something, but has not been refuted either. I have no […]
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Bob Wright’s $3,500,000 DOV Documents – Approval from Bank Pending
Here are the Documents Bob Wright used to ‘Deposit’ his DOV. This DOV is still being reviewed by the Bank (not known which bank at this time) and the funds are NOT as of yet available to Bob – Updates pending. You can access some of these documents via Bob Wrights upload here: […]
RTS: (Data vs Opinion) – Update July 28 – The RV and “New” financial system: Clearing the air
Thank you Lucas of for originally posting this. This is yet another story confirming indeed major economic and financial changes are happening across the planet. Source – Justin Friday, August 16, 2013 Record High Demand For Physical Gold Threatens To Break The Back Of The Paper Gold Market Michael Snyder Activist Post The demand for physical gold […]
American Kabuki: Project XIII for Windows 8 Phone is Released and Now in Microsoft App Stores for Download
Project xiii is live! One thing I want to make perfectly clear is that the I-UV exchange, which will eventually be the medium threw which value can be transferred, is NOT Project xiii. This project is a safe and secure way to transfer data between 2 parties with out a third party having access too […]
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I-UV: Trail of Financial Disclosure Bringing Transparency to Banking Deception and Slavery
Thanks to Scott over at the site for putting together an inspiring piece. The article discusses: the pending currency Revaluation or RV, recent efforts to shift into a gold standard (Basal III) and a timeline of the past 6 weeks worth of events providing evidence of an imminent Shift. There is a little history in […]