As was discussed in length and detail last week in our article, Ritualistic Astrology Used in False Flag Hurricane Harvey, the extent to which the global elite have gone to create the massive Hurricane Harvey extends much further than HAARP and other geoengineering technologies. The depths to which that hurricane was planned and executed, and […]
neil keenan
Liens Filed Against the Federal Reserve: The Key to Trump Ending the Fed & Returning the Gold Standard?
(Lance Schuttler) While there are certainly forces within the “Deep State“ or “Shadow Government” that obviously oppose any moves to bring back the gold standard and end the Federal Reserve, the timing may be ideal for a massive push to accomplish both of these tasks. Related Reclaiming Wealth for Humanity | The Connection Between 9/11, […]
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Full Update | Benjamin Fulford — October 17th 2016: Hillary Clinton goes into hiding as cabal takedown continues despite empty threats of nuclear war
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) Benjamin Fulford’s report from October 17th, 2016 has been updated. Click here to read the full report. This post serves as a notice that the original has been updated. In the above link, scroll down to where it says: [Below is the remaining portion of Fulford’s update this week] The battle for Aleppo, Syria is […]
Benjamin Fulford — October 17th 2016: Hillary Clinton goes into hiding as cabal takedown continues despite empty threats of nuclear war
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) In honor of Ben’s wishes to withhold posting the full update here is a portion of his report. This post will be updated after approximately 3 days since its initial release; usually on Thursday. Updated: The full report has been added below. Added links below. – Justin Source – Benjamin Fulford […]
Part 2: The Global Financial System Is About To Shift
Image Source. Related The Global Financial System Is About To Shift — What are the Collateral Accounts? | Part 1 of An Interview with Neil Keenan Source – The Mind Unleashed by Lance Schuttler, October 12th 2016 Part 2 is a continuation from Part 1, which is a Mind Unleashed exclusive interview with Neil Keenan, the man […]
The Global Financial System Is About To Shift — What are the Collateral Accounts? | Part 1 of An Interview with Neil Keenan
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) For those who have been following this story for some time, it seems like we’ve been hearing about the financial reset for years. Some assume that because it hasn’t happened as previously promised that the whole narrative is a fraud but there is probably more complexity at work. There are […]
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Neil Keenan | The Challenge To Uncover Your Corporate Identity: Collateral Accounts, Straw man Trust, Sovereignty, Federal Reserve Notes, Bankruptcy, Gold and more
Image Source. (Stillness in the Storm Editor) This is actually a very informative research report put together by Neil Keenan’s team, which I have personally verified the veracity in past studies. We’ve covered much of what is presented below in other articles on this site, which I will embed within the following as needed. A […]
NEIL KEENAN UPDATE | Are We On Our Way Home? – Projecting the Global Collateral Accounts
Image Source. (Stillness in the Storm Editor) For those who may be interested… I cannot confirm anything that is reported below, but I do find it interesting that both Keenan and Fulford mentioned meeting with Rothschilds who have—according to them—began negotiations. Related Benjamin Fulford – June 6th 2016: Rothschild Khazarian mafia using delaying tactics but time […]
The David Crayford Discussion Continues… Benjamin Fulford, the Collateral Accounts, and Who Owns the Gold
The first part of this series is listed below, and embedded within the preamble of the Event Chronicle’s compilation. Related Benjamin Fulford – May 10th 2016: Fulford on David Cayford | Collateral Accounts, Gold Distribution, Criminal Accusations made by Crayford I found Crayford’s statements discussing who the wealth really belongs to quite interesting. He suggests that […]
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Benjamin Fulford – May 10th 2016: Fulford on David Cayford | Collateral Accounts, Gold Distribution, Criminal Accusations made by Crayford
Update – In an earlier version of this article, I mistakingly referred to Crayford as Crawford. The below text has been altered to reflect the correct name. This is an exchange between Benjamin Fulford and David Crayford. Fulford referred to the collateral accounts and gold distribution in his latest update from the 9th of this […]
Neil Keenan Update | Obama Out / Cabal Surrender / Currency Revaluation In Progress [?] Brief Commentary by Justin
For those who may be interested… I can not confirm the claims of what is provided below by Neil Keenan and his team GroupK. Of course, the rumors of currency revaluations have been spreading on the internet like wildfire for years, all of which lack any substance it seems. Keenan claims below that the US was […]
The Alliance That Is Taking Down The New World Order
This article is a ‘grab bag’ of events and developments interpreted in a way that suggests an alliance is working to bring about freedom for humanity while at the same time stopping the nefarious group that as worked tirelessly to promulgate slavery. To be clear, this is not the only interpretation of events. We cannot […]
Neil Keenan to Become M1 for the Global Collateral Accounts | Revelations from the “Asian Insider”
Lance from The Mind Unleashed sent me the following update from Neil Keenan. For those who don’t know. Keenan has been working with the dynastic families of Asia in an effort to recover a huge cash of wealth known as the Global Collateral Accounts GCA, worth quadrillions of dollars. David Wilcock discussed some of Keenan’s […]
Reclaiming Wealth for Humanity | The Connection Between 9/11, JFK and The Global Collateral Accounts
Contrary to contemporary views, the wealth that exists on the planet has been entrusted to all life by the Creator. Each living being has a right to access resources so long as one fosters projects that do no harm and benefits humanity. The Dragon family have secured wealth in the form of gold and precious […]