(Natalia Mittelstadt) “[W]e are encouraged that the truth was revealed in this Board, and we hope this ground-breaking case sends a strong message to the Department of Defense,” said counsel for Navy Lt. Billy Moseley.
Report: Navy Deploys ‘Ghostbusters’ After Drone Sightings Off the California Coast
(Jack Davis) After drone swarms buzzed Navy ships off the Pacific coast, the Navy brought out the so-called “ghostbusters.”
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U.S. Navy Setting Up New Punishment Squad Called The CCDA To Punish Vaccine Resisters By ‘Administrative Separation’
(Patrick Howley) Military Leadership Is At War With Tradition.
China Chases US Warship Out of Disputed Seas – Meanwhile Report Claims Navy Lacks Good Leadership
(Joe Hoft) A recent report on the readiness of the US Navy claimed there are leadership issues within the Navy. At the same time, it’s reported that China chased a US warship out of disputed seas.
What Everyone Might Be Missing About Trump’s Path to Victory and the SCOTUS Decision
(Will Justice) Rumors from several sources suggest a major preparation is underway, and it might have something to do with the contested US Election. What if Trump wins and the deep state goes balistic?
RUMOR: Are the Globalists Preparing to Lose to Trump? Navy Movements Suggest Something BIG
(Will Justice) Rumors from several sources suggest a major preparation is underway, and it might have something to do with the contested US Election. What if Trump wins and the deep state goes balistic?
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The Pentagon Released 3 Videos of UFOs Spotted by Navy Aircraft, and a Senator Who Investigated It Says This ‘Only Scratches the Surface’
(Mia Jankowicz) The Pentagon on Monday released three videos of “unidentified aerial phenomena” — more commonly referred to as UFOs — after years of speculation about them.
Scientists Think They Know Why Naval Sonar Results In Mass Whale Beachings
(Anthony McLennan) Whales beachings have long been linked with underwater sounds caused by naval sonar- now scientists believe they have strong evidence that this is the case.
US Navy Submarine ‘Encountered 500mph UFO in Ocean’ 4 Years After Nimitz’ Sighting
(Simon Green) EXCLUSIVE: A former United States Air Force intelligence expert claims he found reports of a Los Angeles-class submarine seeing an unidentified submerged object in “2007 or 2008” that travelled at 550mph underwater. It supposedly matched the description of the USS Nimitz UFO.
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Secret Footage: The Navy Has a Secret Classified Video of an Infamous UFO Incident
(MJ Banias) A records request shows the Pentagon has “discovered certain briefing slides that are classified TOP SECRET” and a “video classified SECRET.”
UNW Weekly Report Jan 26th – Feb 1st: Atkinson Transcript, Coronavirus, Navy Anti-Gravity Patents
(Ryan DeLarme) Hillary Clinton said in an interview over the weekend that Mark Zuckerberg’s embrace of misinformation on his Facebook platform was “authoritarian.” Clinton also told The Atlantic that there’s a good reason to believe Zuckerberg’s Facebook is “not just going to reelect Trump, but intend[s] to reelect Trump.” This might seem absurd to some and for good reason as countless profiles, posts, and comments have been taken down or shadowbanned for expressing non mainstream views on the guy. You don’t even have to be pro-Trump, even if you’re simply not Anti-Trump you run this risk.
Former Navy Officer Talks ET’s, Consciousness and Free Energy
John Petersen is quite an accomplished man. He was a naval flight officer in the United States Navy, and has worked at military institutions in the United States, including the National War College, the Institute for National Security Studies, the Office of the Secretary of Defense, and the National Security Council at the White House, and has had experience in business and […]
Q PROOF: U.S. Navy Tweets “Calm Before the Storm”
Q PROOF: U.S. Navy Tweets “Calm Before the Storm”
Navy Officers Say ‘Unknown Individuals’ Made Them Erase Evidence of 2004 UFO Encounter
(Yasemin Saplakoglu) Several Navy officers who witnessed the now-famous Nimitz UFO encounter in 2004 say “unknown individuals” showed up after the event and made them turn over data recordings and videos, according to Popular Mechanics.
Navy Secretary Fired Over SEAL Controversy
(Zero Hedge) Update: President Trump has weighed in over Twitter, writing that he was “not pleased” with how Gallagher’s trial was handled and that Spencer had been terminated. He also cited “large cost overruns from past administration’s contracting procedures,” adding “Eddie will retire peacefully with all of the honors that he has earned, including his Trident pin.” :