(Kyle Becker) The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has quietly acknowledged that far more people have natural immunity than earlier reported. The CDC has acknowledged that a staggering 146.6 million people have been infected by the Sars-CoV-2 virus and have survived it.
Natural Immunity
Narrative Collapse: CDC Admits There Is No Record of an Unvaccinated Person Spreading Covid after Recovering
(Ethan Huff) An attorney filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request that returned a document from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) admitting that there is no record of a single unvaccinated person ever spreading the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) after recovering from an alleged infection with it.
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NOT MAKING NEWS: Chapel Hill UNC and Duke Univ. Scientists Discover Antibody That Can Protect People From Getting COVID and Its Variants
(Patty McMurray) On the same day that Pfizer CEO Anthony Bourla accused people who “spread misinformation” about the COVID jab of being “criminals,” UNC-Chapel Hill and Duke University scientists have identified an antibody that can protect people from the CCP virus and all of its variants.
Bill Maher Schools Dem Senator on NATURAL IMMUNITY: It’s “The Best Kind of Immunity…the World Recognizes Natural Immunity…We Don’t Because Everything in This Country Has To Go Through the Pharmaceutical Companies” [VIDEO]
(Patty McMurray) The usually far-left HBO Real-Time comedian Bill Maher took viewers by surprise when he shared his views with Democrat Senator Chris Coons (DE) and Atlantic staff writer Caitlin Flanagan on the COVID pandemic, vaccine, natural immunity, and on people who wear masks outdoors.
Johns Hopkins Prof Announces New Covid Study That Will Force the CDC & NIH to Stop Ignoring Natural Immunity
(Kyle Becker) A Johns Hopkins professor got tired of watching the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as well as the National Institutes of Health, proceed with their Covid response policies for two years now as if natural immunity doesn’t exist. Now, Dr. Marty Makary is doing something about it. He is launching his own study.
BREAKING: 73-Yr-Old Dennis Prager Explains What He’s Doing To Recover From COVID…Admits He Tried To Get Virus So He Could Have Natural Immunity [VIDEO]
(Patty McMurray) Conservative giant Dennis Prager of Prager U is recovering from COVID after testing positive last week.
Biden’s Failure to Acknowledge Natural Immunity Is ‘Tearing This Country Apart’
(Children’s Health Defense) In Thursday’s segment of the “The Donlon Report,” anchor Joe Donlon interviewed immunologist and public health advocate Dr. Hooman Noorchashm, who said President Biden’s COVID vaccine mandate policies ignore about 100 million Americans who are already immune.
Reuters Destroys Covid Myths: Delta Does Not Make Children Sicker, Vaccines Not as Strong as Natural Immunity
(Kyle Becker) The Reuters cited a “summary of recent studies” that Americans who have been following the actual science on Covid-19 have been waiting to see reported by a mainstream news media outlet.
NY Healthcare System Fires 1,400 Unvaccinated Workers, Many of Whom Have Natural Immunity Against COVID
(Mary Villareal) Northwell Health, the largest healthcare provider in New York, has terminated 1,400 healthcare workers for refusing to get a Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine.
Hidden Camera: Pfizer Scientists Admit Natural Immunity Better Than Vaccines
(Art Moore) Dr. Anthony Fauci and other public health officials continue to insist the COVID vaccines are superior to natural immunity, but three Pfizer scientists have been captured on hidden camera in the latest Project Veritas investigation saying otherwise.
Why “Natural Immunity” Is a Political Problem for the Regime
(Natural News) Since 2020, public health technocrats and their allies among elected officials have clung to the position that absolutely every person who can possibly get a covid vaccine should get one.
NEW VIDEO Exposing Pfizer Vaccine Vs. Natural Immunity Goes VIRAL: “Basically, Our Organization is Run on COVID Money Now”…”I Mean, I Still Feel Like I Work for An Evil Corporation”
(Patty McMurray) Last night, Project Veritas released a stunning video showing an “experienced” Pfizer biochemist discussing natural immunity to COVID versus the COVID vaccine. In less than 12 hours, the undercover video had already received 2 million views. It currently has almost 3 million views.
AP’s ‘Fact Check’ on Natural Immunity is a Modern Day Masterpiece of Journalistic Dishonesty
(Kyle Becker) The Associated Press has been sinking to new depths of journalistic dishonesty under the ‘leadership’ of its new CEO Daisy Veerasingham. The AP has been in decline for years, but its editorializing on the 2020 election and Covid reportage have broken the agency. It is no longer a trustworthy and reliable source of information. The AP is a publisher of left-wing editorials posing as objective reportage. More importantly, the AP’s reports are not marked as ‘opinion’ stories – even as many of them are highly misleading.
Why is COVID Natural Immunity Being Ignored?
(Nwo Report) Immunity, according to the CDC website, is “Protection from an infectious disease. If you are immune to a disease, you can be exposed to it without being infected.” They explain that “Immunity to a disease is achieved through the presence of antibodies to that disease in a person’s system.” These antibodies are “disease specific.”
The Truth About Natural Immunity
(Dr. Joseph Mercola) The agenda is clear. They want everyone vaxxed, including those who may be harmed as a result. That should tell you all you need to know.