(Natural News) Actress Rose McGowan, who famously exposed Harvey Weinstein’s years of sex crimes, says pop superstar Britney Spears is “ready to blow the lid” on the “rot” that persists in Hollywood.
music industry
“Illuminati” by Lil Pump: Yeah, This Is What the Music Industry Has Sunken To… And The People Are Waking Up
(Vigilant Citizen) In “Illuminati” Lil Pump and Anuel AA brag about cars and girls as they’re being initiated into the Illuminati. We’ll look at the occult and satanic symbolism in this incredibly blatant video.
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Cracking Your Skull — The Deep State and Occult Ties to Music and Journalism (Video)
Cracking Your Skull — The Deep State and Occult Ties to Music and Journalism (Video)
Earworm: Getting a Song Stuck in Your Head
(Exploring Your Mind) It can be bothersome to have a song stuck in your head and not be able to get it out. Musical psychologists point out that the probability for you to experience earworm depends mostly on your mood. Feeling stressed or nostalgic may increase its likelihood.
The Twisted Meaning of Miley Cyrus’ “Mother’s Daughter”
(Edward Morgan) In “Mother’s Daughter”, Miley Cyrus sings that “she’s nasty, she’s evil” while claiming that she’s “feminist AF”. Here’s a look at the twisted meaning behind this bizarre video.
Musicians Team Up With Fans And Fight For The Future To Ban Facial Recognition Technology At Concerts
(Aaron Kesel) Several musicians and festivals are coming together to call to an end to concert promoters using facial recognition at venues and music festivals, Vice News reported.
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Exposing The Music Industry: Celebrity Cloning, the Deep State & the Donald Marshall Story
Exposing The Music Industry: Celebrity Cloning, the Deep State & the Donald Marshall Story
Deep State History: The Beatles, Doors, Grateful Dead, and more Were Engineered for CONTROL
Deep State History: The Beatles, Doors, Grateful Dead, and more Were Engineered for CONTROL
The Beatles Pioneered The Mass Mind Control of Music — John Colman on Tavistock and Adorno (Recovered Audio)
The Beatles Pioneered The Mass Mind Control of Music — John Colman on Tavistock and Adorno (Recovered Audio)
Beyonce’s Ex Drummer Exposes Her Supposed Satanistic & Sexually Perverted Practices
(Arjun Walia) When it comes to the topic of Satanism, a ‘religion’ that’s practiced by many in our world atop the financial pyramid, there is no shortage of rumours coming out about entertainment industry involvement as well. People are free to practice what they like, but when innocent people are getting hurt and it’s the global elite that are involved, it’s important to begin looking at the facts.
Music Has Been Weaponized Since the 1940’s ~ 432 hz to 440 hz
Music Has Been Weaponized Since the 1940’s ~ 432 hz to 440 hz
The TRUTH Why Modern Music Is Awful — It’s More Mind Control Than Music
The TRUTH Why Modern Music Is Awful — It’s More Mind Control Than Music
Why the Entertainment Industry Loves to Use Illuminati and Occult Symbolism to Sell
(Buck Rogers) You really have to wonder if the accountants and marketing teams of the entertainment industrial complexhave actually signed a deal with the devil, or if they’ve just realized how exceptionally profitable it is to use Illuminati and occult symbolism as a marketing device.
Descendants of Julius Caesar Announcing Themselves Through TV, Movies, Music, Music Videos and Through MK Ultra Programs?
(Jonathan Carty) This post is going to contain several examples of how these surviving ancient Roman bloodlines have been revealing themselves through TV, movies, music, music videos and in MK Ultra program abuse. So much of what is happening right now in our history has to do with Ancient Rome. If you research their tactics, it’s exactly the same then as it is now; false flags, paying people to cause trouble/riots or to slander someone (especially during the time of Jesus), human sacrifice, occult rituals, world-domination, hegemonic ideology and so much more. What’s different this time?
Sex Kitten Programming/Pedophile Symbols (Ping Pong, Hot Dog, Ice Cream, Pizza) Found in Katy Perry Video ‘This Is How We Do’
(Jonathan Carty) So some months back I was guided to watch a few mainstream music videos. I usually do this for research purposes to uncover what kind of hidden symbols or messages are present in the video. One such video really shocked me as it contained several symbols which indicates a presence of pedophilia and sex kitten programming, which sadly, countless people who we would call celebrities are subject to.