(Ethan Huff) The Walt Disney Corporation is back in the news after it was revealed that its new live-action remake of Mulan was filmed in Xinjiang, a province in communist China that is jam-packed with Uyghur Muslim concentration camps.
“The After Time” (a short film)
“The After Time” (a short film)
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New Netflix Movie Celebrates 11-Year-Old Girls Twerking
(Paul Joseph Watson) A new Netflix movie set to be released next month celebrates 11-year-olds twerking, prompting condemnation about the film sexualizing children.
WATCH: Plandemic II: Indoctornation – The Second Covid-19 Film by the World’s Most Censored Filmmaker
(Vic Bishop) If you recall, when this Coronavirus disaster hit the world, many independent journalists and media companies began to look at all sides of the issue, asking big questions about the origins of the crisis and of the validity of the lock down approach.
BACKFIRE: ‘Gone With The Wind’ Sales Explode After Leftists Target Movie. Sales Of Other Classics Also Skyrocketing.
(Ryan Saavedra) The recent decision to pull the American classic “Gone with the Wind” from HBO Max has had the Streisand effect, a phenomenon where attempting to suppress something ends up calling more attention to it and thus having the opposite effect of the intended desire.
The Dead Zone’ Predicted the Spread of ‘a Virus From China’ in 2003
(Free Press Journal) The show also suggests use of anti-malaria drug Chloroquine, which was distributed by India to US and Brazil to fight the COVID-19 battle.
If Joker Met Jordan Peterson — How to Create a Psychopath Killer
(Justin Deschamps) Answering the question: Why do people do bad things? is important. There’s a lot to unpack, and frankly, we’re still trying to figure this out. But we know enough to draw some pretty good and well-established conclusions. When people feel like their values, dreams, or life is threatened, they tend to react aggressively. If this reaction becomes chronic, blended with paranoid delusions and an environment where the individual is actually suffering, or being harmed by others, it’s much more likely they’ll eventually snap and start hurting people.
MIND BLOWING: The Egg — Animated Short Film
MIND BLOWING: The Egg — Animated Short Film