(Jim Hoft) NASA his planning on sending Americans to the moon again in 2025.
China Claims Historic First: On-Site Proof of Frozen Water on the Moon’s Surface
(Jack Davis) China, which has staked vast national prestige on its space program, says that it has detected the presence of water in lunar samples gathered from the moon.
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Lawsuit Brought by Jeff Bezos’ Company Blue Origin Preventing USA From Making a Historic Return to the Moon
(Jack Davis, The Western Journal) NASA’s plans to go to the moon are reportedly being held up by billionaire Jeff Bezos’ lawsuit against the agency, which was filed after his company was passed over in the competition to build the lander that will be used to put astronauts back on the lunar surface.
Scientists Explore Lava Tubes on Hawaii to Prepare for Mars and Moon Exploration
(Virgilio Marin) Researchers are plumbing the depths of Mauna Loa in Hawaii to study the volcano’s lava tubes. The researchers wear bulky suits like those required for space exploration while navigating volcanic terrain and conducting research. Besides studying the environment and organisms living there, the team’s goal is to prepare for the unique challenges of living in space, particularly on Mars and the moon.
Nasa Announces “Exciting New Discovery”: Water Confirmed to Exist on the Moon
(Elias Marat) After a week of dropping tantalizing hints about an “exciting new discovery” it had made, NASA has finally spilled the details about its stunning new find: there is water on the sunlit surface of the moon – and much, much more than previously expected.
Military Bases On The Moon – U.S. Plans To Weaponize The Earth’s Satellite
(T.J. Coles) In July, Dmitry Rogozin, Director General of Roscosmos, cited the U.S. “retreat from principles of cooperation and mutual support” to justify Russia’s refusal to join the latest U.S. space initiative: to build lunar bases. Rogozin was likely referring to the U.S. refusal to renew the Intermediate-range Forces Treaty and its intention to back out of the Open Skies Treaty.
The Moon May Not Be What We Think It Is – There Are Still Many Unanswered Questions
(Arjun Walia) It is not out of the question that artifacts of these visits still exist, or even that some kind of base is maintained (possibly automatically) within the solar system to provide continuity for successive expeditions. Because of weathering and the possibility of detection and interference by the inhabitants of the Earth, it would be preferable not to erect such a base on the Earth’s surface. The Moon seems one reasonable alternative. Forthcoming high resolution photographic reconnaissance of the Moon from space vehicles – particularly of the back side – might bear these possibilities in mind. – Carl Sagan
‘As Above, So Below’ – Are Cosmic Forces at Work on Earth?
(Gary Lachman) When we think of wars, revolutions, populist uprisings, outbreaks of mass hysteria and other sudden social and political eruptions – even a popstar’s popularity or the latest fashion trend – we usually believe that at bottom there is some logical, rational explanation for them, even if we do not yet possess it. We […]
Get Ready Because There Will Be Both A Solar and Lunar Eclipse In June
(Jade Small) There’s plenty more in store for all sky watchers, starting with a partial Penumbral Lunar Eclipse on June 5 and 6 and an Annular Solar Eclipse on June 21.
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Using This Eclipse Cycle and Solstice To Quicken Human Consciousness
(Parisse Deza) Replacing Tension, Fear And Ignorance With Calm, Natural Awareness
TODAY: Rare ‘Strawberry Full Moon Eclipse’ — What You Need to Know
(Elias Marat) We are in for a major spectacle this Friday as we’ll be treated to June’s full “Strawberry Moon” in all of its glory.
Russian Scientists Prove Life Can Survive on Mars, Venus, and Jupiter’s Ice Moon
(Sput Nick) Researchers from the Russian Academy of Sciences’ Space Research Institute conducted simulations of Venus’ atmospheric conditions and discovered that microscopic fungi can survive and thrive in high levels of ionizing radiation and sharp jumps in temperature. Scientists believe that microorganisms may be present in the upper layers of Venus’s atmosphere.
The Moon May Not Be What We Think It Is – There Are Still Many Unanswered Questions
(Arjun Walia) The Facts: In 1962 Gordon MacDonald, a NASA scientist, published a paper stating it’s more likely that the moon is hollow than not. MIT’s Sean C. Solomon furthered this statement citing knowledge of the moon’s gravitation field as evidence. Reflect On: What do we truly know about the moon? Why is it that there is always such a great deal of evidence that challenges the mainstream truths about various things? Are we truly aware of the truth of the world around us?
The Moon, Venus, And Jupiter Will Be Aligning To Form A Smiley Face This May
(Naveen A) In conjecture with the moon’s phase, the positioning will look like a smiling face looking down on us.
A New Space Race? US, China, Russia, and Europe All Plan for Moon Bases
(Aaron Kesel) The bigger worry isn’t space exploration—it’s weaponizing space for war.