(Tom Montalk) We have all heard jokes about tinfoil hats. Turns out there might be some practical truth to that idea. Aluminum foil really does attenuate (lessen) certain EM radiation if electrically grounded and not touching the skin.
Negative Forces (Seem to) Respect Freewill — And Why Evil Exists in a Benevolent Creation
(Justin Deschamps) The following is a thought-provoking discussion about the nature of negative forces and how they seem to respect free will. As someone who has studied law, history, the paranormal, the dark occult, and various other related topics, I think this is a valid contention.
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Timeline Dynamics: Time Travel and the Nature of Linear Time
(Tom Montalk) The rules of time travel are rooted in quantum physics. Understanding these rules reveals much about the behavior of hyperdimensional beings and the reason for certain metaphysical laws. Timeline dynamics is essentially about temporal feedback loops between the present and its available range of probable futures. This is just realm dynamics reinterpreted from the perspective of […]
Discerning Alien Disinformation by Tom Montalk (PDF)
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) The following is the introduction to a book written by Tom Montalk about various topics related to alien disinformation and some methods for navigating them with a critical analysis approach. I read the first part and it had a lot of perspectives that I felt are poignant given there are so […]
Stranger Things: Montauk Timeslip
Related Montauk Disclosure in Netflix’s “Stranger Things” — Blowback and the Deep State Source – The Secret Sun by The Secret Sun Stranger Things has tapped into a very deep vein in the American psyche, especially for people of my generation who are seeing a strange reflection of our lives and our culture play out on the screen. […]
Understanding Service to Other (STO), Service to Self (STS), the Seven Densities of Consciousness, the Astral and Etheric Planes, and more — by Tom Montalk
Image Source. (Stillness in the Storm Editor) The following is a detailed and in-depth conceptual organization of the density system used by the Law of One material and popularized in the fields of alternative research and metaphysics. In addition, descriptions of the service to others and service to self modalities are explored with emphasis on […]
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Montauk Disclosure in Netflix’s “Stranger Things” — Blowback and the Deep State
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) The original Netflix series Stranger Things is soft disclosure. Without spoiling the plot, the online series deals with MK Ultra, secret government programs, conspiracy, government coverup, extra-dimensional entities, remote viewing, psi abilities and much more. The first article in this compilation provides an overview of the Stranger Things production and it’s connection to the Montaulk project. The second […]
The Mimicry of Alien Contact by Occult (Non-Alien) Entities
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) The following is an introduction and overview of the concept of occult entities and etheric beings, what they can do, how they affect us, and what some of their agendas are. I cannot confirm all elements presented herein, however, I can say that the lines between, magic, the occult, and […]