(Jon Rappoport) A San Francisco lawsuit against Monsanto and its weedkiller, Roundup, is moving forward. And it’s just received a new green light from the judge in the case.
Glyphosate Hurts Gut Microbiome, Genes And Sexual Development At “Safe” Dose
(Heather Callaghan) Glyphosate-based herbicides like Monsanto’s Roundup are used the world over. In fact, Roundup is still the most popular and widely used weedkiller in the entire world. Pesticide propagandists are fond of leaning on the idea of “safe” dose, but can there really be a safe dose for a substance that causes breast cancer at parts per trillion?
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Why Are Food, Water And Air—Life’s Essentials—Deliberately Poisoned? Part I: Food
(Catherine J. Frompovich) Have you ever wondered about that, or even questioned why, in reality, that’s been going on DELIBERATELY since the end of World War II? It’s a fact! Man-made-chemicals, most of which are poisons, have been added to the three essential components for life and living, and with the expressed consent of federal governments and regulatory agencies, which should know better and intervene, if they were not in the back pockets of corporations and on the take from their lobbyists.
The Corporate Takeover of Cannabis: How Monsanto & Bayer Are Getting in on Marijuana
(Alanna Ketler) Responsible for genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and the pesticides that are sprayed on them, Monsanto is on the tips of everyone’s tongues lately. Health conscious individuals are doing everything they can to boycott this company and support others instead, even if that means opting for much pricier organic produce.
Monsanto Trying to Hide GMO Foods Under the Term “Biofortified”
(Heather Callaghan) Do genetically engineered crops and their pesticides make you think of the term “biofortified”? Chances are, the term biofortified makes you think of vitamins in kids’ cereals.
Shocking Study Shows 170 MILLION Americans Drinking Radioactive Water & Gov’t is Hiding It
(Matt Agorist) A damning report from the Environmental Working Group has just revealed that drinking water for more than 170 million Americans in all 50 states contains radioactive elements that are shown to cause cancer. Not only does the report expose the deadly levels of radiation but it also shows that officials have been actively covering it up. […]
USDA Organic Infant Formula Contains Pesticide Labeled As a “Nutrient”
(Edward Morgan) The USDA organic label is supposed to protect the consumer against GMOs and avoidable chemical exposures, but the sobering fact is that USDA-certified infant formula manufacturers are not only being allowed to use a pesticide in their formulas, but are advertising it as a ‘healthy’ mineral to unsuspecting consumers. Related: Walnuts Are Drugs, Says […]
Monsanto Is Suing California for Stating That Roundup Causes Cancer
(Humans Are Free) Monsanto Company, a multinational agrochemical and agricultural biotechnology corporation, recently filed a lawsuit against California’s Office of Environmental and Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) and its acting director, Lauren Zeise, to prevent them from listing glyphosate as a known carcinogen. Related: Monsanto is Scrambling to Bury This Breaking Story – Don’t Let This Go Unshared! […]
Forbes.Com Exposed as Monsanto Propaganda Rag in Newly Released Court Emails
(Jayson Veley) Monsanto is an international agriculture company that develops products for farmers around the world. Recently, the company has come under fire for allegedly participating in a cover-up campaign to suppress a study that was critical of one of their most popular products, Roundup. Related: The Chilling History of Monsanto’s Rise to Power Source – Natural […]
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The “Poison Papers”: New Documents Expose Monsanto, the EPA & More. We’ve Been Lied To
(Kalee Brown) The Environmental Protection Agency’s mission statement reads: “to protect human health and the environment.” Ironically, while the EPA has done some strong work in the past, the agency has also helped corporations destroy the environment and threaten human health through pesticide usage and adding neurotoxins to our drinking water. These are only two of […]
The Documentary That Major Health & Food Corporations Don’t Want You To See, Streaming On Netflix
(Arjun Walia) Millions of people are waking up every single year to the many issues that currently plague our planet. One of the biggest is food, as we are coming to understand how closely diet and nutrition are connected to our health and how much we’ve been lied to about the food promoted and sold […]
Victory! California Declares Glyphosate Weed Killer (Roundup) to Be a Cancer-causing Poison; Will Add to Proposition 65 Warning List
(Mike Adams) In a significant victory for consumer safety — and a devastating blow to Monsanto — California’s Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) has declared that glyphosate weed killer is a known, cancer-causing carcinogen that will be added to the scope of Proposition 65. Related Maybe You Aren’t Gluten Intolerant. Maybe You’re Just […]
Monsanto Makes Poison – Deep Science w/Dr. Seneff (MIT) – Suspicious0bservers
https://youtu.be/uDum7GGuOTA Click here for video links “Eyes open, no fear. Be safe everyone.” Related Leading MIT Researcher Says Roundup (Glyphosate) is Driving the Autism Epidemic _________________________ Stillness in the Storm Editor’s note: Did you find a spelling error or grammar mistake? Do you think this article needs a correction or update? Or do you just have […]
Monsanto Hired Paid Internet Trolls to Counter Bad Public Image, Lawsuit Claims
(Carey Wedler) Agrochemical giant Monsanto hired internet trolls to combat negative perceptions about their brand on social media and across the internet, according to a lawsuit filed by U.S. Right to Know, a nonprofit organization “working for transparency and accountability” in the American food system. The company has also been accused of manufacturing scientific research […]
Shocking: MIT Senior Researcher Says 50% Of Children Will Be Autistic by 2025
Image Source. (Samuel Fisher) Stephanie Seneff, a Senior Research Scientist at MIT and author of over 170 peer-reviewed scholarly articles, said during a presentation that “I predict by 2025 half the kids born will be diagnosed with autism.” Related Monsanto is Scrambling to Bury This Breaking Story – Don’t Let This Go Unshared! Source […]