(Justin Deschamps) Our minds are far more powerful than we’ve been lead to believe. We also have been lead to believe Artificial Intelligence is some kind of super-human-like mind that can learn anything instantly, and use that knowledge to do almost anything. The truth is, computers have major issues with the unknown, chaos.
5 Ways Writing Can Make You a More Tolerant and Mindful Person
(Jean-Paul Stephen) Life is full of experiences and this is realized in a variety of ways. Writing is both a hobby and an income-earning activity for some people. Even with that, there are much more benefits that come with it especially in building your personality. Today, taking an online writing job can yield a lot more than the money earned at the end of the task at hand. Writing can be used in certain ways to make someone more tolerant and mindful. Here are 5 ways to realize this in your life:
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The Arzy Experiment: The Ghosts Are in Our Head
(Exploring Your Mind) Have you ever felt like someone else was there, even when there wasn’t? In this article, we’re going to tell you about the common, imaginary perceptions we’ve all experienced. They tell a fascinating story about how delicate our brain is.
The Chemical Imbalance Myth and Antidepressant Harm
(Dr. Mercola) In the U.S., an estimated 17.3 million American adults (7.1% of the adult population), experienced at least one major depressive episode in 2017.1 The highest rates are reported among those aged between 18 and 25.2 However, not only is there evidence that depression is vastly overdiagnosed, but there’s also evidence showing it’s routinely mistreated.
Disappointment and Your Brain – Why It Hurts
(Exploring Your Mind) The pain in your brain after a disappointment is real. Our brain processes such experiences as events that undermine our balance and well-being. Hence, the pain appears and the levels of neurotransmitters such as serotonin or dopamine decrease.
Pattern Mapping: Your Choices Map Directly on to Your Nervous System — Intellectual vs Somatic Beliefs
(Justin Deschamps) As anyone who’s tried to change a habit knows, it’s a lot harder than we might think. We’d like to believe that we can use the power of our conscious mind to override a habit, instinct, fear, or emotion. To be sure, the conscious mind has this power to a certain extent, but it’s more akin to the relationship between an architect and a general contractor. You have to “install” an intellectually worked out way of thinking into the body itself, which usually requires taking action.
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A Smile Can Make You Happier in Less than 10 Seconds – Study
(Zoey Sky) An exciting study published in Psychological Bulletin suggests that doing something as simple as smiling can help boost your mood. But how exactly does a facial expression affect your mood?
The Science Behind Giving Up — Why You Should Invest Yourself in Your Daily Tasks
(Justin Deschamps) Motivation is a subject of great study in psychology. Understanding how we motivate ourselves helps us live better lives. The following article discusses a study wherein scientists sought to understand how a specific neurotransmitter (pnVTA) becomes active when a subject stops seeking a reward.
Body, Mind, and Meditation: What’s Their Relationship?
(Exploring your Mind) There’s a lot of literature on meditation and its benefits. Although meditation was once a novelty brought from the East, it’s now a common habit for many Westerners. What some may not know is that there’s a deep relationship between the body, mind, and meditation.
Understanding Paranoid Delusions: The Psychology of Reality Distortion
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) Psychology is one of the key pillars of life because everything we do passes through our mind and consciousness. Properly understanding reality is instrumental to a fulfilling healthy life—a life without delusion. But in our modern age, psychological manipulation is ever present, compounded by a lack of self-knowledge and healthy […]
CBD Oil for Mental Health—Should You Take It Too?
(Peter Bongiorno ND, LAc) About 20 percent of the population suffers from some form of anxiety. If you have anxiety, you may be looking for a new way to relax your body and mind. Many of my patients and followers on Twitter and Facebook have reached out to ask me whether CBD oil is the newest snake oil, or whether can it really help ameliorate symptoms of anxiety without causing side effects.
Intelligence Vs. Rationality: The Difference Between “Smarts” and Wisdom
(John DiPrete) I recently took a Rationality Test and discovered that I was surprisingly rational. (I took it twice to be sure.) How could that be? I wondered. It’s a plain fact that I’ve committed millions of stupid errors, in my life, and was STILL making them! What’s more, few people would ever call me a world class intellect, in terms of intelligence tests or other abstract-thinking measurements. Logically speaking — Mr. Spock I am not.
UFOs: The Psychic Dimension Part 4
(David Prat) 9. Alien abductions – 2
The following cases show that abductions experiences can involve far more than pure fantasy.
The first reported alien abduction during the modern UFO era occurred in 1957 and involved a Brazilian law student named Antonio Villas-Boas. In the morning of 16 October while ploughing on his parents’ ranch, he noticed an extremely bright red star overhead. As it approached it changed into an egg-shaped craft which landed on 3 telescoping legs.
The Power of Suggestion: Psychological Placebos Found to Be as Effective as Medical Placebos
(Edsel Cook) Swiss researchers suggest that placebos were all in the mind. They recently conducted a trio of experiments that indicated a placebo didn’t need to come in physical form, as long as a healthcare professional could convince a patient about the supposed effectiveness of the psychological placebo.
How Unconscious Guilt Manifests Itself
(Exploring your Mind) Many times unconscious guilt manifests itself through depression and anxiety. In depression, there’s a feeling of dissatisfaction with oneself and the world. In anxiety, through the expectation of harm or punishment.