(Justin Deschamps) We’ve all heard how important discernment is. In an age of deception, seeking the truth with wisdom is essential—it’s a survival skill. The pros use established methods of discerning that we would greatly benefit from understanding, marrying logic with intuition to form a coherent toolset for meeting the challenges of belief that life has to offer. I’ll show you 4 key steps that are extremely effective when it comes to discerning a claim, belief, or experience. We’ll also discuss some pitfalls to avoid.
The Racing Mind: The Difficulties of Being a Fast Talker
(Exploring Your Mind) Some people communicate in the same way as they live, extremely quickly. However, behind this style of speaking is often anxiety, lack of control, or clarity of thought.
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How Hypnotists (And Mass Media) Hack Your Mind to Control Your Behavior
(Dylan Charles) I’m a committed advocate of freedom, personal liberty, pharmaceutical free health, bodily autonomy, and free-thinking, which, apparently, puts me at odds with the majority. As shocking as it is, these basic standards of a good life, which have governed humans for centuries, are suddenly being portrayed as selfish and even dangerous.
The Ganzfeld Effect: A Fascinating Look Inside Your Mind
(Exploring Your Mind) What happens when your brain is stimulated evenly? Is your perception of the world altered? Find out in this article.
3 Visualization Techniques to Connect Body and Mind
(Exploring Your Mind) Visualization techniques are designed to help people relax and concentrate. When we visualize, we mentally create something to distract us and redirect attention away from what’s stressing us.
Fast and Slow Thinking by Daniel Kahneman
(Staff Writer) Have you heard about the two systems of thinking by Daniel Kahneman? This psychologist won the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences in 2002 after he developed a theory that explained the two ways of thinking humans use daily.
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The Brain Processing of Future Episodic Thinking
(Exploring Your Mind) Are you aware of the processes involved in the development of plans and decision making? Today’s article will discuss one of them: future episodic thinking.
How Does the Social Brain Give Humans an Evolutionary Advantage?
(Exploring Your Mind) The social brain is one of the main resources humans have to overcome the challenges of our environment. It allows you to live in the company of others and feel protected, among other things.
Milton Erickson: How Changing Your Language Can Change Your Mind
(Exploring Your Mind) Milton Erickson is considered a creative genius. Perhaps this is due to the fact that other psychiatrists found his therapeutic approach so difficult to replicate. This American psychiatrist and psychologist was a pioneer in hypnosis therapies to the point of achieving legendary status. Milton Erickson developed, among other tools, therapeutic strategies based on how changing your language can “change” your mind.
Wim Hof Breathing: 6 Benefits for Body and Mind
(Dr. Edward F. Group) From running a marathon in the snow — barefoot— to climbing part of Mount Everest wearing shorts, Wim Hof, “The Iceman” is no stranger to the extreme. Hof, a Dutch athlete, trained himself to withstand very cold temperatures using a unique breathing technique. Wim Hof breathing has been featured on TV shows and researched in labs. More importantly, people around the world now use it to boost their immune systems, feel more energized and less stressed, improve focus and athletic performance, and release endorphins — happy hormones. This method can be an important part of your self-care tool kit, too!
Three Buddhist Monks Use Their Minds To Change The Structure of Bottled Water
(Arjun Walia) A study published in the Journal EXPLORE, The Journal of Science and Healing conducted by scientists at National Kaohsiung Normal University, National Taiwan University, and the Institute of Noetic Sciences referenced a previous experiment which suggested that “consumption of intentionally treated tea influenced subjective mood under double-blind, controlled conditions.” They decided to investigate further, under double-blind, controlled conditions. The new study used Arabidopsis thaliana seeds (a commonly used wild type of seed that belongs to the Brassica family, which includes cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower), and measured differences in hypocotyl length, anthocyanin, and chlorophyll between seeds hydrated with intentionally treated vs. untreated water.
Good Food = Good Mood: The Nutrition and Mental Health Connection
(Ocean Robbins) As we navigate the COVID-19 pandemic, many of us are also experiencing another health challenge: an assault on our mental health. Anxiety is high, and many people are cooped up at home and knocked off their normal routines. Plus, many of us face a loss of control, financial stress, increased social isolation, or even the specter of too much time with family members or roommates, who may be easier to get along with when we have more breathing room.
Music Takes 13 Minutes to ‘Release Sadness’ and 9 to Make You Happy, Says New Stud
(Andy Corbley) The British Academy of Sound Therapy (BAST) has been studying the beneficial effects of listening to music for therapeutic purposes for years.
How our Mind Plays a Critical Role in Healing our Body
(Arjun Walia) Multiple studies and experiments have demonstrated that the mind does have an ability to heal, or assist with healing and recovery. How powerful is our mind? Why do some people still regard this thought as ‘pseudoscientific’ when there is a lot of statistically significant research that’s available with regards to the mind/matter mind/body connection?
The Amazing Benefits of Reading While Traveling
(Exploring Your Mind) Although not everyone can concentrate on long journeys, reading while traveling is a great way to make the most of your time and boost your brain health and cognitive processes.