(Arjun Walia) It’s remarkable to analyze why many of us believe that milk, which is designed to help calves develop, is also suitable for human beings. We are the only species on the planet that consumes the milk of another animal. Furthermore, we are the only species on the planet who continues to drink milk after weaning. Even for cows, this would be a no-no. There are multiple studies showing that drinking milk for a cow leads to an increased mortality rate and actually makes bones more prone to fracturing, not less. One example would be this giant study from researchers at Uppsala University in Sweden.
One More Reason to Breastfeed: Microbes in Human Milk Inhibit the Growth of E. Coli
(Jessica Dolores) Now, you can add protection from diarrhea and E. coli to the growing list of reasons why mothers should breastfeed their babies. In a study published in the Journal of Nutrition & Intermediary Metabolism, authors revealed that a mother’s milk prevents the growth of pathogenic Escherichia coli and boost immunity.