(Cristina Laila) Joe Biden on Wednesday announced he is planning on dropping a Trump-era order blocking asylum seekers at the US border on May 23.
Exclusive: UN Funds Migrant Wave Flooding to the U.S.
(Neil Munro) The U.S.-funded United Nations is providing cash to help job-seeking migrants trek up through South America, Central America, and Mexico, says Todd Bensman at the Center for Immigration Studies.
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McAllen Border Patrol Find Abandoned Three-Year-Old Honduran Migrant Who Can Only Speak Two Words
(Cassandra Fairbanks) The McAllen Border Patrol have rescued an abandoned three-year-old child migrant who could only speak two words.
Migrant Surge Prompts “Mass Releases” of Illegals in McAllen TX; Greyhound Buses Still Being Used, Governor’s Executive Order Not Being Followed
(Julian Conradson) The all-out invasion happening on the southern border is getting even worse.
EPIC: HUNDREDS of Scottsdale Patriots Protest Surprise Biden Migrant Safehouse In their Neighborhood
(Jordan Conradson) On Wednesday, Patriots in Scottsdale, Arizona rallied in protest of Joe Biden’s new America Last open border policy.
Democrat Wants Biden To Send Migrant Kids To Facility With Record of Child Sex Abuse Allegations
(Patrick Howley) ‘Send us the girls. Bring them now”…
HORROR! Photos Leaked of Joe Biden’s Migrant Children in Cages – Kids Stuffed into Holding ‘Pods’ in Squalid Conditions
(Jim Hoft) Photos were leaked today to Axios of children stuffed into crowded cages in squalid conditions at a US Customs and Border Protection overflow facility.
Biden Border Crisis Worse Than Previously Reported: More Than 13,000 Unaccompanied Migrant Children Now in US Custody: CBS
( Cristina Laila) Joe Biden and the DHS have been hiding the real number of unaccompanied illegal alien minors being held in border facilities from the public.
System Overwhelmed by Thousands of Migrant Children Flooding US Border After Biden Reverses Trump Policy
(Kristinn Taylor) The Biden administration has reverted to the Obama era open border policies for child migrants that turned the U.S. government into the largest human trafficker of children in the world.
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HIPOCRISY: Biden is Putting Migrant Kids in Cages And Now ‘AOC’ Doesn’t Care.
(Raheem Kassam) Joe Biden is re-opening a child migrant detention center, but neither the establishment media nor left-wing politicians appear to care. The response is starkly different from when President Trump operated the detention centers he inherited from the Obama-Biden administration.