(Dr Michael Salla) In an interview and letter made available in 2010, an anonymous official within the City of London revealed a secret plan supported by high-level Masons to support a biological warfare attack against China designed to cripple its economic growth and growing military power. The biological weapon was to be part of a timeline of both contrived geopolitical events and a natural disaster that would eliminate half of the planet’s population.
michael salla
Musk Proposal of Reusable Rockets for Space Force Ignores Electromagnetic Propulsion
(Michael Salla) On February 27, at the US Air Force Association’s “Air Warfare Symposium”, Space X founder Elon Musk posed the question, “How do we make Starfleet real?” and he proposed reusable rockets as “absolutely fundamental” for the newly created Space Force.
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Is the Coronavirus linked to China’s Rollout of 5G and Biowarfare?
(Dr. Michael Salla) The undisputed global leader in the development and deployment of 5G is China where there are no regulatory obstacles to telecommunications companies installing the necessary infrastructure despite safety concerns raised by health professionals in thousands of scientific studies around the world.
Evidence Grows that Tic Tac UFOs are Secret Air Force Spacecraft
(Exploring Your Mind) Collaborative intelligence can be a transforming power for human beings. Think tanks are groups where people can share ideas, thoughts, and approaches with one common purpose: the common good. Many consider that this type of mental investment is what companies, institutions, and any social scenario need most.
Space Force Recruits Special Ops Commander to Lead Space Commandos with Antigravity Spacecraft
(Dr. Michael Salla) The United States Space Force has just recruited and promoted the Commander of the Air Force’s 1st Special Operations Wing who had led covert operations around the world and in space. This clears the way for antigravity vehicles that were secretly deployed out of select Air Force bases to be transferred over to Space Force and for many “Air Commandos” to be renamed as “Space Commandos”.
The World Beyond Ours #30 Dr. Michael Salla and Adam Riva [PART 1/2]
The World Beyond Ours #30 Dr. Michael Salla and Adam Riva [PART 1/2]
Space Force must create Pax Americana in Space or China will according to USAF General
(Dr. Michael Salla) On January 17, 2019, newly retired US Air Force Lieutenant General Steven Kwast wrote an article in Politico about the need for Space Force to quickly break free of USAF strategic doctrine to create a “Pax Americana” in space otherwise China will quickly step into that role and take the strategic high ground.
Trump signs Space Force Act — Stage Set for Secret Space Program Disclosure
(Dr. Michael Salla) President Donald Trump signed the Space Force Act into law yesterday night. It was included in the omnibus 2020 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) funding Pentagon operations for another year, and officially creates a sixth branch of the military – US Space Force (USSF). Trump’s signing sets the stage for some amazing disclosures of what the USAF has secretly deployed in space for decades.
USAF Secretary & Congressman want to Declassify Secret Space Programs
(Dr. Michael Salla) On December 7, attendees at the Reagan National Defense Forum held at the Reagan Presidential Library were told by the Secretary of the Air Force, Barbara Barrett, and US Congressman Mike Rogers, that they are in favor of declassifying information about the Air Force’s secret space program in order to get the public to support a US Space Force. Their comments confirm that the US Air Force is on the verge of disclosing the truth behind rumors of a secret space program and that the Space Force is a vital part of a series of stunning disclosures that lie ahead.
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Space Force is a Go as Congress Gives its Approval
(Dr. Michael Salla) A major hurdle was passed in the creation of a United States Space Force when a Congressional conference committee comprising members of both branches of Congress, meeting to resolve conflicting congressional bills, agreed to the legislative language authorizing its creation. The “National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2020”, contains the agreed language for Space Force’s creation, which will be voted on by both houses of Congress, and then signed by President Donald Trump.
Man in the High Castle is Soft Disclosure of Temporal War Revealed in Cosmic Secret
(Dr. Michael Salla) I just finished watching the final season of Amazon’s The Man in the High Castle and was stunned to see how it increasingly focused on the idea of a temporal war, which has been the subject of two of my recent articles on the QAnon movement and the Deep State. The fourth season’s release on November 15 was followed four days later by the release of The Cosmic Secret where interviewees discuss the temporal war idea, and further reveal the long history of extraterrestrial colonization of Earth, and the secret space programs currently underway.
The QAnon Deep State Temporal War & its Galactic Implications
(Dr. Michael Salla) Only days after drawing attention to “Operation Looking Glass”, Q(Anon) just took this reference further in another post by claiming foreknowledge of the Deep State’s plans. Q appears again to be alluding to an advantage the US military intelligence community has over the Deep State in terms of advanced technology enabling them to view the future.
Project Looking Glass – The Q Anon & Deep State Temporal War
(Dr. Michael Salla) Soon after returning into the public arena with posts on the newly created 8kun channel, Q(Anon) made a very brief reference to a “Project Looking Glass”. Despite the post’s brevity, there is much behind this highly classified project that is relevant to the QAnon movement and the efforts of the Deep State to marginalize it and remove President Donald Trump from power.
VICE News Claims UFO & QAnon Connection is Disinformation
(Dr. Michael Salla) On October 29, MJ Banias from Vice News wrote an article claiming that “QAnon and UFO Conspiracies Are Merging”. Banias promotes an alleged “disinformation expert” to make the case that questions arising from a linkage between the Deep State, UFOs and QAnon are harmful, and those investigating such questions are merely opportunists.
China’s Secret Plan to Subvert US Hegemony to become Top Space Power
(Dr. Michael Salla) China is painstakingly implementing a 100-year strategic plan aimed at overtaking the United States as the world’s dominant superpower or hegemon by 2049 according to Michael Pillsbury’s authoritative 2015 national best seller, The Hundred Year Marathon. Pillsbury’s keen insights not only provide a foundation for understanding how China plans to supplant the US, but how it is covertly responding to the existence of secret space programs developed by the US military industrial complex, and what China plans to do in response in order to achieve dominance both on Earth and in space.