(Dr. Joseph Mercola) From Corrupted to Trusted: Shifting Perceptions of the FDA
The Magical Thinking and Dangers of Masks
The Magical Thinking and Dangers of Masks
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They Say Follow the Science… Except When mRNA Tech Inventor Dr. Robert Malone Blows the Whistle
(JD Rucker) As much of America continues to listen to bureaucratic fraudster Anthony Fauci who hasn’t been involved in medicine or medical research for decades, the name they should be hearing is Dr. Robert Malone. He knows a thing or two about the Covid-19 injections. After all, he’s the one who invented the very mRNA vaccine technology being used in the Pfizer and Moderna shots.
Mercola: Global Vaccine Passport Will Be Required For Travel
(Dr. Mercola) Around the world, there’s considerable resistance against mandatory COVID-19 vaccination, but even if the vaccine ends up being “voluntary,” refusing to take it will have severe implications for people who enjoy their freedom.
How the Method of Birth Can Influence Lifelong Health
(Dr. Mercola) Microorganisms in your gastrointestinal tract form a highly intricate, living “fabric” that plays an integral part in your health, affecting everything from body weight and nutrition to chronic diseases of all kinds. And, as detailed in the featured documentary, “Microbirth,” written, produced and directed by Alex Wakeford and Toni Harman, the groundwork for your gut microbiome laid at the time of birth.
New Thought Police Newsguard Is Owned by Big Pharma
(Dr. Mercola) The media is using a variety of tactics to restrict your access to the truth from websites like mine, including NewsGuard, a self-appointed internet watchdog that sells a browser plugin to rate websites on nine criteria of credibility and transparency. Before I delve further into NewsGuard and its underlying agenda, it’s important to look at who funds it.
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Why Vegetable Oils Are Carcinogenic
(Dr. Mercola) Dietary fats are a crucial component of a healthy diet, but the devil’s in the details, and the type of fats you choose can make a world of difference. Replacing dangerous oils with healthy fats is one simple way to boost your health and reduce your risk of chronic disease.
Low Magnesium Linked to Diabetes and High Blood Pressure
(Dr. Mercola) Magnesium1 is involved in hundreds of biochemical reactions in your body,2,3 and deficiency can contribute to significant health problems. Two common pathologies associated with magnesium deficiency are Type 2 diabetes4,5 and heart disease.
Radiologists Conceal Heavy Metal Accumulation From MRIs
(Dr. Mercola) Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is an imaging study that allows your physician to see detailed pictures of your organs and tissues. The MRI machine uses a large magnet, radio waves and a computer to take detailed cross-sectional pictures of your internal organs and tissues.1
Dr. Mercola Reveals How Google and Wikipedia Tag Team to Censor Natural Health Websites While Promoting Big Pharma and Processed Junk Food
(Ethan Huff) Back in June, Mercola.com, the most visited natural health website in the world, was deleted from Google’s search results for supposedly spreading “misinformation” about health, nutrition, and vaccines. However, the real reason that Google went on this censorship purge is because Dr. Joseph Mercola represents a serious threat to the viability of mainstream medicine, of which Google is now a major stakeholder.
Heavy Metals Found in 95% of Baby Food
(Joseph Mercola, D.O., Ph.D.) I have often about how most commercial infant formulas are high in processed sugar and questionable ingredients including soy. They can contain as much sugar as a can of soda yet lack the benefits of the natural sugars found in breast milk. Related Real, Safe, and Trusted Detox Products — Now That You’ve […]
Two Types of People Who Should Never Get the Flu Shot
(Joseph Mercola, D.O., Ph.D) Flu season is creeping up on us again and there are widespread calls to get your annual flu shot, despite the fact that, year after year, this strategy turns out to have an abysmal rate of effectiveness across the board. One group that consistently turns out to draw the short end of the stick when it comes to influenza vaccine failures is the elderly. U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) data have repeatedly demonstrated that the flu vaccine does not work for seniors.
The Chemical Imbalance Myth and Antidepressant Harm
(Dr. Mercola) In the U.S., an estimated 17.3 million American adults (7.1% of the adult population), experienced at least one major depressive episode in 2017.1 The highest rates are reported among those aged between 18 and 25.2 However, not only is there evidence that depression is vastly overdiagnosed, but there’s also evidence showing it’s routinely mistreated.
Illegal Levels of Radiation Emitted by Popular Cellphones
(Dr. Mercola) Hidden within your cellphone’s manual is a little-known warning that advises you to keep the device at a certain distance from your body — typically 5 to 15 millimeters — to ensure you don’t exceed the federal safety limit for radiofrequency (RF) exposure.
Google and Wikipedia Team Together To Suppress Alternative Health Information
(Brian Shilhavy) Ask anyone on the street prior to 1990 what the term “search engine” meant, and you would probably get a shrug of the shoulders and a guess, like searching for an automobile replacement engine or something.