(Tim Ventura) Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, so after 60 years of hype, an engineer and a physicist teamed up to test the claims behind the Searl Effect Generator — and their results were surprising. We’re joined by Paul Murad, a senior technology analyst for the US Department of Defense (ret.), to discuss his experimental replication of a modified Searl Effect Generator in search of hard empirical evidence for gravity-modification & energy generation effects.
The Comfortable Misery Syndrome: Why People Choose Misery Over Change
(Thomas Oppong) Misery is comfortable — it’s why so many people prefer it. Happiness takes effort and courage.
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How to Use Urge Surfing to Break Unhelpful Habits
(Rachael Kable) Habit triggers can be helpful when you want a reminder to do something for your own good. The trigger prompts you to complete the habit.
What Psychedelics Told Me About The Coronavirus
(Azrya Cohen Bequer) An Empowering Message to Humanity from Ayahuasca. No matter how complex a question I may have, when I take it to psychedelics I always receive an answer. So when the Coronavirus pandemic kicked into high gear, I brought the subject to my trusted mentor Ayahuasca to be illuminated.
Suppressed Consciousness Science: Three Experiments That Change Everything
(Igor Gurko) Just as the 20th century was a time of discovery, we may find that the 21st is a period for making sense of what we’ve found out. Many of the mainstream scientists, teachers, and researchers of our day are engaged in this process. While the existence of a universal energy field had been theorized, visualized, written about, and imagined for a long while, it’s only been recently that experiments were performed proving once and for all that the Matrix exists.
Explosive: Epstein “Admitted To Me He Was A Spy”, Ex-Biz Partner Warns “He’s Got Prince Andrew Pinned To The Wall”
(Dylan Howard) Steven Hoffenberg was arrested by FBI agents in Arkansas in 1996, after regulators accused him of defrauding investors. The former business partner of Jeffrey Epstein in Towers Financial spent 18 years in jail for the largest Ponzi schemes in history prior to Bernie Madoff’s crimes. But the notorious sex criminal got away scot-free. Why? In a series of new and exclusives conversations, Hoffenberg reveals the real reason he evaded justice in one of America’s largest Ponzi schemes—he was an international spy.
Why the US Government Spent Millions Trying to Weaponize Memes
(Michael R. McBride) July 14th, 2011 — The US Department of Defense put out a press release that went widely unnoticed, buried in a poorly formatted government website. DARPA was forming a new initiative: SMISC, Social Media in Strategic Communications.
Cannabis Oil Replaces 22 Pills For Little Boy With Seizures
(Healthy Crew) The use of marijuana is a very controversial topic in the medical community. Some well-respected doctors say that it should be used in some treatments and other doctors are against it and are concerned about its long term effects. The next case is a proof that that the first group of doctors were right.
On Top Of Numerous Other Benefits, Industrial Hemp Found to Clean Up Radioactive Waste
(Ministry of Hemp) Add this to the many uses for our favorite plant: Industrial hemp can actually remove toxins from the soil.
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The Largest Pushers of Conspiracy Theories Are MSM And The US State Department
(Caitlin Johnstone) — The US State Department has issued a statement accusing the Syrian government of having carried out a false flag chemical weapons attack in northwestern Aleppo with the intent to blame it on the jihadist factions in the region, citing “credible info” that the public has not been permitted to see.
How To Fight The Establishment Propaganda Machine And Win
“You shall not pass!” (Stillness in the Storm Editor) The following article details some of the ways we can de-throne the propaganda machine of the mainstream media, the pushers of fake news. There are several excellent suggestions to consider. Yet, the article is written in a style that resembles a battle cry, which might seem […]
Why We Should All Have a Basic Income | Davos World Economic Forum 2017
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) The following article originally appeared on the World Economic Forum. It is a call for a basic income for humanity, something that some consider a viable option to address the financial hardships felt by so many in the modern world. While meeting the basic needs of our human family members […]