(Cristina Laila) Anti-vaccine mandate protesters on Saturday gathered outside of the New York Times building in New York City chanting, “Defund the media!”
NIH Director Francis Collins Lied and Committed Treason, but the Media Refuses To Report It
(Ethan Huff) Obama appointee and outgoing National Institutes of Health (NIH) head Francis Collins has many skeletons in his closet that the mainstream media is ignoring in its quest to celebrate Collins’ longtime tenure at the agency.
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THE BIG LIE: In a Blatant Disregard for the Truth, Far-Left and Mainstream Media Claim No Election ‘Irregularities’ in Arizona
(Joe Hoft) Garbage far-left and Mainstream Media claim there were no ‘irregularities’ found in the audit of the 2020 Election results from Maricopa County. These claims are simply not true.
CNN Suffers Another Massive Drop In Prime-Time Ratings
(Mike LaChance) CNN’s ratings are still circling the drain.
“Pandora Papers”: The Left-Wing Media are a Tool for Soros and They’re Too Dumb to Notice
(Richard Abelson) The Washington Post, the Guardian and 150 other news outlets have obtained access to 11.9 million “confidential files” on offshore bank accounts and companies in 200 countries, melodramatically dubbed “the Pandora Papers”, the next in a series of illegal hacks released to damage certain companies and high-profile figures after the “Panama Papers” and “Paradise Papers”, among others.
Iodine the New Ivermectin: Government, Media Attacking All Covid Remedies That Actually Work
(Ethan Huff) The latest threat to the government’s Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) plandemic agenda is betadine, an iodine-based nasal spray that is helping people to stay safe and protected against the Chinese Infection.
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Gutfeld Blasts Media, Dems for Pushing The Big Lie That Border Agents Are Whipping Illegals [Video]
(Leisa Audette) Greg Gutfeld has done a great job of calling out the media and politicians for jumping on the lie that border agents are whipping illegals. The leftist media, including one race-baiting PBS reporter Yamiche Alcindor, pushed the narrative during a White House press briefing, and Jen Psaki ran with it. The media and politicians are counting on Americans to be ignorant of the fact that the item in question seen in photos is NOT a whip but the reins. The reins are used to direct a horse and are long straps usually made of leather and attached to a bridle.
Chinese State-Run Media Chief Predicts Another ‘Deadly Attack’ On America.
(Natlie Winters) The editor-in-chief of the Chinese state-run media outlet Global Times appeared to predict another “deadly” terrorist attack on the United States.
2019 CDC Memo on Ivermectin Blows a Hole in Media’s Narrative It’s Just a ‘Horse Treatment’
(Kyle Becker) The anti-parasitic drug Ivermectin got a big boost in its reputability for treating Covid-19 when popular podcaster Joe Rogan testified to its effectiveness in his case. The news media went absolutely ballistic over the news and blasted the drug as merely a ‘horse dewormer’ and ‘not fit to be ingested by humans.’
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Media Runs Fake News Stories of the Year to Smear Joe Rogan for Beating Covid Using New Meds
(100 Percent Fedup) The leftist media went into overdrive to try and discount Joe Rogan’s quick recovery from Covid. While Fox News warned that the CDC and FDA are warning against using ivermectin, some publications went full-blown fake news.
NPR’s Mind-Rot Logic: ‘Even the Truth Can Be Misinformation’
(Ben Bartee) NPR is ostensibly concerned that American citizens still have access to independent media platforms which – despite rigged algorithms that favor “authoritative” corporate-state media outlets like NPR, MSNBC, Fox News, and CNN – still outperform competitors
SAD DAY: Cumulus Media, Which Broadcasts Shapiro and Bongino Shows, Mandates Vaccines For Employees
(Patrick Howley) “There will be no exceptions unless it’s mandated by law”
Effort By George Soros-Funded Media Matters To Blame Facebook For Growth Of Anti-Mask Movement BACKFIRES…Big Time!
(Patty McMurray) George Soros funded Media Matters is a dirty organization. Instead of reporting actual news, Media Matters acts as an attack dog against conservatives and conservative media. For example, they frequently whine about social media sites like Facebook allowing conservatives to have free and open dialogue on their platform contrary to the views of the far-left watchdog attack dog group.
‘This Is A Sophisticated, Vaccinated Crowd’ Says NYT Reporter In Defense Of Obama’s Maskless Birthday Party
(Cullen Mccue) A New York Times reporter dismissed criticism of Barrack Obama’s lavish 60th birthday party that took place over the weekend. “This is really being overblown,” said Annie Karni, who currently works as the outlet’s White House correspondent. “They’re following all the safety precautions, people have gone to sporting events bigger than this. This is going to be safe, this is a sophisticated, vaccinated crowd and this is just about optics, it’s not about safety,” Karni told CNN’s Jim Acosta.
VIDEO: Biden Caves to the Far-Left…Openly Admits He is Defying the Constitution in His Latest Move
(Leisa Audette) Tucker Carlson reported on the biggest news story of the week (see below) that is not getting any coverage from the media. The media is dodging the latest move by Biden like a hot potato. In case Americans aren’t paying attention to this big news, Carlson reported that Joe Biden announced his willful effort to ignore the Constitution and a Supreme Court order against extending the moratorium on evictions.