The TRUTH Why Modern Music Is Awful — It’s More Mind Control Than Music
mass mind control
The True Meaning of the 7 Most Deceptive Marketing Phrases Used by Big Food and Big Pharma
(S.D. Wells) In a big country that allows corporations to run the regulatory agencies, there’s not much room for ethics, because it’s all about the money. The massive U.S. food and medicine industries are dominated by a handful of monopolistic businesses that make billions off consumer ignorance, and that’s just a cold hard fact. Nearly all conventional food and allopathic medicine is highly corrupted with chemicals that propagate disease and disorder, so the corporations that manufacture and process them in laboratories must trick and confuse the consumers with language and slogans that sound “warm and fuzzy.”
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Brain-to-Brain Interface: The Next Gen Social Network
Brain-to-Brain Interface: The Next Gen Social Network
How Globalists Plan To Use Technology And Poverty To Enslave The Masses
(Brandon Smith) Tyranny is often seen as a sudden and inexplicable development in a society; the product of a singular despot that rockets to power for a limited window of time due to public fear or stupidity. This is one of the great lies of the modern era.
Terror as Elite Mind Control — Tavistock Institute’s War on the Mind
(Henry Makow Ph.D) Kurt Lewin (1890 – 1947) was a Jewish psychologist, who pioneered the Tavistock Institute, the Illuminati’s center for mass brainwashing. He advocated the use of terror to induce a passive state in the public.
A Century of AI Influence In Hollywood And How It May Affect Us
(Dulce Ruby) Let’s face it, it’s almost impossible these days to fully detach from the idea that AI is out there and quickly making its way into all of our day-to-day lives. From Saudi Arabia granting citizenship to a robot, to ‘convenient’ virtual AI assistants such as Alexa and Siri becoming the norm – there’s no surprise that our media is filled with a creeping reality that we, as humanity, may soon be coexisting fully with AI.
Q Anon Follower Arrested and Used by MSM to Paint Truth-Seekers as Crazy — Exposing Reputation Attacks, and What We Should Do About It
(Justin Deschamps) The following is a mainstream media piece discussing William Douglas, a Q Anon follower who was arrested by the FBI this week for cyberstalking and making death threats on social media. Douglas has a YouTube channel where he discusses Flat Earth, Q Anon, Pizzagate and various other Deep State conspiracies. Douglas was enraged by what he described as a censorship campaign on the part of YouTube.
Brothers of the Shadows: A Perspective on the Weaponisation of the Word ‘Conspiracy’
(Sevak Gulbekian) In his book Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace Gore Vidal suggests that the American public has been conditioned to respond to the word ‘conspiracy’ with a smirk and a chuckle.
The 5 Main Cultural Influences Controlling Your Subconscious Mind
(Sigmund Fraud) Flip this quote from Dr. Jung around and it suggests that once you become aware of the unconscious forces directing you, you will experience freedom and gain newfound control over your own life. This realization gives us extraordinary power.
Connected To The Matrix: Americans Spend Most Of Their Waking Hours Staring At A Television Or Computer Screen
(Michael Synder) Before televisions and computers were invented, Americans didn’t spend any time staring at television and computer screens. They worked hard, raised their families, personally interacted with their communities (remember that?), and generally tried to make the world a better place.
Divide and Conquer Propaganda — Dialectic Manipulation
Divide and Conquer Propaganda — Dialectic Manipulation
Red Team vs. Blue Team | Toxic Tribalism We Must Transcend
(David Matthew) We’ve all experienced it. You log on to Facebook and scroll through your timeline – and there it is: a fiery argument where insults are flying freely on a subject that charges you. Though you may aim to steer clear of the sludge and toxicity of social media comment sections – perhaps you decided to lunge into a particular topic that you care deeply about.
WATCH: #WalkAway Movement to Abandon Liberalism Goes Viral
(Thomas D. Williams, Ph.D.) The #Walkaway movement that began with a popular Facebook video featuring a gay hairdresser in New York City explaining why he was leaving the Democratic Party has quickly morphed into a major force on social media and beyond.
MK ULTRA & Project Monarch – Cathy O’Brien’s Story
(Julie Alexander) Cathy O’Brien is one of the most remarkable women in the world today. She survived mind control, pedophilia, drugs, sexual abuse, torture and much, much more.