(Joel B. Pollak) Former Democratic Party presidential nominee Hillary Clinton went maskless at the 2022 Met Gala in New York on Monday night, as a masked black staffer attended the length train of her shimmering red evening gown.
Gov DeSantis Tells Students To Take Off Their Masks: “Honestly, it’s not doing anything. We’ve gotta stop with this Covid theater!” [VIDEO]
(Patty McMurray) From almost the beginning of the pandemic, Governor Ron DeSantis stood toe-to-toe with Dr. Fauci and the CDC, fighting back against COVID-related mandates in his state. He became somewhat of a role model for other governors when bucking the “science,” peddled by the flip-flopping Dr. Fauci.
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Maskless Jake Tapper Sits with Klobuchar While Blasting Cruz for Sitting Maskless with Klobuchar
(Grant Atkinson) To the left, one of the most important things for politicians to do is wear a piece of cloth over their faces.
Dirtbag St. Louis County Executive and Tyrant Sam Page Caught Maskless Out in Public Again After Just Recently Reinstating Mask Mandate
(Jim Hoft) St. Louis County Executive Sam Page told the local media this week that those St. Louis County residents who are caught out without a mask are “seeking confrontation.”
BUSTED! MASKLESS School Board VP Caught on VIDEO Singing At Crowded Karaoke Bar After Accusing Fellow MI School Board Members of Spreading COVID Because They Won’t Wear Masks To Meetings
(Patty McMurray) 100 Percent Fed Up Exclusive – Parents and residents of communities across Michigan are fighting back against mask mandates. And they’ve had enough of the tyrannical rule by both elected and unelected officials in their state.
Maskless San Fran Mayor Caught On Video Partying In Nightclub With BLM Founder While Everyone Else “Must wear a well-fitted mask in indoor public settings”
(Patty McMurray) Citizens and visitors in San Fransisco, CA, are required to wear a mask in all public indoor settings. San Fransisco Mayor London Breed has been an outspoken advocate of wearing masks to protect others.
VIDEO: Anti-Semitic Democrat Rashida Tlaib Parties All Night with 100+ Maskless Friends
(Jim Hoft) Radical Squad leader Rashida Tlaib partied with 100+ of her friends this weekend maskless.
Maskless Rep Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) Caught on Video Dancing at Wedding in Designated CDC “Orange Zone” On Same Weekend As Obama Super-Spreader Event
(Patty McMurray) Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), arguably the most vulgar and outspoken Democrat in the United States Congress, was caught on video dancing at a wedding without a mask. The video that appeared on the Instagram story of Bassam Saleh shows a maskless Tlaib dancing, trilling, and hugging guests at the wedding, none of whom are wearing masks at the indoor reception.
Singer Erykah Badu Posts Video of Obama’s Maskless Birthday Extravaganza – Then Deletes It – Watch it Here!
(Cristina Laila) Barack Obama held a lavish 60th birthday party at his $12 million Martha’s Vineyard estate after claiming it was scaled back to just ‘close family and friends.’