(B.K. House) “The Voter Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election was monumental, and the facts are coming out daily!”
Maricopa County
AZ Republican State Sen. Wendy Rogers Calls for New Election
(Martin Walsh) Arizona Republican State Sen. Wendy Rogers has been leading the charge on the audit in Maricopa County as well as urging other states to also launched election audits.
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Cyber Ninjas Found So Many Issues with the Voting Machines and Processes in Maricopa County It’s a Wonder the Previous Auditors Didn’t Find These Issues Too
(Joe Hoft) Ben Cotton’s team is auditing the IT-related practices and policies in the 2020 Election in Maricopa County. He shared some important items during his presentation last week that any good IT auditor would find.
Sharpie gate Scandal Sees New Life – Readers Share that Sharpies Were Used Across the Country
(Joe Hoft) Last week the Cyber Ninjas audit team performing the 2020 Election audit of the results in Maricopa County identified numerous issues already from their work. One issue related to the claims surrounding ‘Sharpiegate’.
AZ State Senator Demands Biden Electors Be Recalled, New Election Be Held After Shocking Audit Revelations
(C. Douglas Golden) In the wake of the Maricopa County audit of the 2020 election results, one GOP Arizona state senator is demanding that the state’s electors — which went for President Joe Biden — be recalled, and a new election be conducted in the state.
USA Today, AP and FactCheckorg Want Americans to Believe There is “No Evidence of Widespread Fraud in Maricopa County’s 2020 Presidential Election Results”
(Leisa Audette) Maricopa County in Arizona has been ground zero for a forensic audit of the 2020 election. Audit teams have painstakingly gone through ballots to look for any discrepancies. The results were partially given today during the Arizona Senate hearing (see bel0w). According to the audit team, there are “major discrepancies with ballots from the election. There are numerous other troubling details (see below). According to the Arizona GOP Chairwoman, “This is far from over.” They haven’t even gotten to the good stuff yet.
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Maricopa County Bombshell: ‘The Election System Was Actually Compromised Or Breached’
(Patrick Howley) Tech contractor Ben Cotton, a witness in the Arizona Senate hearing Thursday on the Arizona election audit, confirmed that the Maricopa County election system was “compromised” during the 2020 election.
Maricopa County Shares RIDICULOUS Theory As To Why FRAUD Was Found
(Jordan Conradson) On Wednesday, Maricopa County tweeted a bogus claim in preparation for the audit to find the fraud that occurred in the last election.
Maricopa County Voter Indicted And Accused of Casting a Ballot In Her DEAD Mother’s Name
(Jordan Conradson) Yesterday, Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich announced a new finding of voter fraud in Maricopa County.
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NOT ALL AUDITS ARE THE SAME – Here’s Why the Arizona Senate’s Audit of Maricopa County’s Results in the 2020 Election Is BEST IN CLASS
(Joe Hoft) The Arizona Senate’s audit of the 2020 Election results is best in class. Here’s why.
Arizona Senate Briefed About CRITICAL Information and Materials Still Being Withheld by Maricopa County Officials – STAY TUNED!
(Jordan Conradson) The Arizona Senate has been briefed about critical information and materials still being withheld by Maricopa County.
Maricopa County 2020 Election Auditors Complete Paper Examination
(Martin Walsh) The Arizona Senate’s audit of the 2020 election in Maricopa County has completed the paper examination.
Maricopa County Announces They Will No Longer Use the 2020 Voting Machines – GOP Senator Wendy Rogers Chimes In: “Ban ALL Fraud Machines!”
(Jordan Conradson) Maricopa County officials announced on Monday they will not use fraudulent voting equipment again. “The County will never use equipment that could pose a risk to free and fair elections.”
Arizona Election Auditors: Deleted Database Recovered, Ballot Chain-of-custody Still Missing
(Greg Piper) Maricopa County’s explanation of refusal to share routers, passwords suggests voting machines were connected to internet.
Soros Kicked in $2M to Elect Maricopa County Sheriff Now Stonewalling Election Audit
(Greg Piper) More than four years before Maricopa County Sheriff Paul Penzone used his law enforcement credibility to resist subpoenas in the Arizona Senate audit of the county’s general election, he was running for the office he now holds.