(Dylan Charles) Those of us who have experienced true magic in our lives have been wondering when modern science will somehow bridge the gap between science and spirit, and wondering what will happen to the world when these forces finally unite. It’s coming.
David Wilcock Psychic Synchronicity Conscious Life Expo – Downloads, UFOs, Upcoming Events
(Teresa L Yanaros) Check out this Conscious Life Expo 2018 recap by Teresa Yanaros, a millennial advocate for spiritual enlightenment, of Divine Frequency. She describes the Ancient Aliens event, Susana Puelles’ “Unleashing Feminine Healing Power,” Teresa’s lecture about , and the Cosmic Disclosure panel with David Wilcock and Corey Goode. Related Super Charge Today With Personal Power, Focus and Bravery Related True Feminine Power: Embracing […]
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Tarot: A Brief Introduction to a Forgotten Science
(AnthonyTyler) It is an incredible understatement to say that the occult has been misrepresented in today’s era. The ancient sciences of occult divination are perhaps the most misunderstood and misinterpreted aspects of occult philosophy, despite the fact that the correct sources of information have always sat just beneath the surface-level information on the subject for those who would care […]
Norse Goddess Magic with Alice Karlsdóttir (video)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o2yms9OJ030 _________________________ Stillness in the Storm Editor’s note: Did you find a spelling error or grammar mistake? Do you think this article needs a correction or update? Or do you just have some feedback? Send us an email at sitsshow@gmail.com with the error, headline and url. Thank you for reading. _______
Dealing With Psychic Attacks and Protecting Yourself
(Mary Kurus) Psychic Attacks and Dark Negative Energies
Psychic attacks are defined as the manipulation of supernatural energies and forces. Psychic attacks occur when dark and negative energetic vibrations are sent from one individual to another individual or place creating disturbances in the energetic and physical bodies of the person or place. This negative energy can be called a spirit, an entity, a thought form or a dark negative energy. Each of these energies can create harmful effects within the person receiving them.
What Is a Wordsmith? Allegory Reveals the Truth to the Novice and the Master
Image Source. (Stillness in the Storm Editor) Is the skill of articulation important? It seems so, as it is the art and science of transmitting information from one mind to another. This is critical because each person has a unique perspective on the universe, and thus, has a unique store of knowledge. But that knowledge […]
The 40-Day Season of Sacrifice: March (19th or 22nd) to May 1st | Manipulating the Collective Consciousness of Humanity Using Mass Black Magic Rituals
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) I wrote the following article last year in an effort to let others know about how the powers that should not be plan their chaos sorcery—distorting events to suit a secret agenda. Days after it was published, the Brussels attacks took place, on March 22nd, 2016—precisely within the window described and on an […]
COBRA Interview (Brief Analysis) March 21st 2016: Sphere Being Deception Not True, 9th Planet is Not Planet X, Nibiru is Sitchin Disinfo, Stasis Beings, Soul Transfer Tech, Magic Explained, Personality vs Soul, and more
I had some time this morning to pull highlights out of the below transcript between the Prepare for Change team and COBRA. I offered commentary when I had insights to share from my own experience or research, as well as offering an explanation of some of the answers provided by COBRA. According to COBRA…. The so-called […]
The 40-Day Season of Sacrifice: March (19th or 22nd) to May 1st | Manipulating the Collective Consciousness of Humanity Using Mass Black Magic Rituals
by Justin Deschamps p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 16.0px Times; color: #0000ee; -webkit-text-stroke: #0000ee} span.s1 {text-decoration: underline ; font-kerning: none} Our world is awash with subtle influences, indoctrination, intimidation, coercion, and deception – all designed to make us feel disempowered so that we become willing pawns for a global elite. As many know, false […]
The Truth About the Pledge of Allegiance: Indoctrination And Obedience | The Power of Affirmations and Pledges
Giving a pledge of allegiance using one’s voice to speak the words into vibration is a very powerful tool for manifestation. In law, speaking our mind via the word is known as a testament, using our free will, the most powerful thing in the universe. Related The Law Explained: Session 5 – Documents and Securities A […]
The Illuminati Strategy of Tension and Release
Source – RedefiningGod In the course of looking into the Greek situation, I came across an International Business Times article which contained something that caught my eye… >>> ANEL [Panos Kammenos’ Independent Greeks Party] opposes immigration, a trait it shares with a lot of Europe’s right wing, while Syriza is in favor of a multicultural society. The Independent […]
The Placebo Effect Explained – The Amazing Power of Consciousness | “All is Mind” Mental Entrainment
(Justin Deschamps) Why does the Placebo Effect work? Although modern science has yet to answer this essential question about health, the answer can be found within the ancient schools of thought about the mind, one being Hermeticism.
The Black Sun and the Luminous Lodge The Vril Society, the Luminous Lodge and the Realization of the Great Work
This post details the history of the Secret Space Program developed by the Nazi’s as a result of Occult knowledge and ET contacts made in the early 20th Century. It also discusses the creation of the New Age Movement as an attempt to trap the masses into yet another exoteric limiting religion. This is what […]
Magic and Ritual Decoded | The Science of Ritual Magic in Theory and Practice
The question of Magic vs Technology invariably arises if an honest appraisal of claims of magic and miracle are reviewed. The term magic usually calls to mind a manipulation of objects, people or events using supernatural means; as if the Laws of Nature are being broken or overpowered by the will of the practitioner. Many things which […]
What is a wordsmith? Allegory reveals the Truth to the novice and the master
Image Source. Many people that come across the occult and cabalistic teachings find phrases like these “a wordsmith is an expert writer who uses words to conceal hidden truths and perform cabalistic word magic to tell stories or history,” which can be viewed as disturbing. To the profane—the uninitiated, unaware, or ignorant—this can be quite […]