(Pierre Boralevi) Cardinal Gerhard Müller, former Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF), has warned that COVID is being used by the proponents of the Great Reset as an opportunity to “subject the people to complete control and to establish a surveillance state.”
The ‘Catholic Moderate’ Challenging Viktor Orban Is Really a Pro-lgbt Globalist Puppet like Biden. Here’s Proof
(Scott Schittl) Like Joe Biden, Márki-Zay claims to be a ‘devout Catholic’ in his private life, but also like Joe Biden, Márki-Zay publicly supports homosexual ‘marriage’ and abortion as rights granted by the state.
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Congress Made Crucial Change to Vaccine Definition Weeks Before COVID-19
(Robert L. Kinney III) The US government’s definition of ‘biological product’ up until December 2019 may have prohibited the mRNA COVID-19 products from being labeled as vaccines.
International Pro-life Speaker Shares Her Own Abortion Story — and Unlikely Conversion
(LifeSiteNews) An international pro-life and chastity speaker called on youth to save sex for marriage, and shared the story of her abortion, healing, and conversion at the annual Canadian National March for Life Youth Conference last week.
Planned Parenthood Board Member Aided in STD Experiments on Prisoners and Mental Patients
(Carole Novielli) Abortion organizations like Planned Parenthood and their staffers have for decades been directly tied to eugenic sterilization efforts and the targeting of minority groups for abortion, population control and racism. And recently unearthed documents only strengthen the evidence of the cozy relationship between purveyors of abortion and proponents of eugenics. Those documents reveal that a revered former Planned Parenthood board member was involved with abhorrent syphilis experiments, in which Guatemalans were intentionally infected with STDs without their consent.
Pro-Abortion, Pro-LGBT Organizations Happily Take Credit For Getting LifeSiteNews Permanently Banned from Facebook
(NWO Report) A joint statement released by four prominent pro-abortion and pro-LGBT organizations revealed that they pressured Facebook to permaban the Christian and conservative LifeSiteNews for purely political reasons.