(Leisa Audette) Joe Biden is in New Jersey promoting his Build Back Better boondoggle. He made an appearance at a pre-school and then delivered a speech that was full of gaffes and lies.
DELUSIONAL: Pfizer CEO Thinks His Company Has Done More “Good to Humanity” Than Any Other Company in History
(Arsenio Toledo) Pfizer Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Albert Bourla claims that his company has “done so much good to humanity” that no other in the history of the world compares. Bourla makes this statement during an interview with liberal commentator and television host George Stephanopoulos in “This Week” on ABC.
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Comirnaty, the Only COVID Vaccine Conditionally Approved by the FDA, Is Still Not Available in the USA – Every Vaccine “Mandate” Is Illegal
(Ethan Huff) There seems to be an incredible amount of confusion across the country as many doctors and pharmacists are unaware of the fact that the only Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine” that has received conditional approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is Comirnaty, which is not even available yet.
Australian Police Officer Calls out Government and Media Lies About Covid-19
(Ivan M. Paton) Why are Australia’s leaders lying to their citizens?
POLL: Trust In Media Sinks To Just 36 Percent – Second Lowest Ever
(Mike LaChance) Trust in media has absolutely cratered. How has this happened? It’s pretty easy to see why.
New York Times Reporter Lied About Covid “Surge” At Schools to Push More Plandemic Paranoia
(Ethan Huff) A writer at The New York Times named Apoorva Mandavilli was caught lying about a “surge” in Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “cases” at schools in order to scare more people into getting “vaccinated.”
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Jen Psaki Gives Completely Unacceptable Answer When Pressed About Why Americans Must Have Vaccine Proof but Illegal Aliens Don’t
(JD Heyes) Not only has the Marxist deep state ruling America used the COVID-19 pandemic to suppress and oppress, they have also based some of the most hypocritical policies on the virus, including policies that relate to immigration.
Milley Lied To Trump In Defense Of BLM, Said ‘They Are Not Burning It Down,’ Promoted ‘Systemic Racism’ Theory – REPORT
(Gabriel Keane) “They used spray paint, Mr. President, that’s not an insurrection … That’s pent up in communities that have been experiencing what they perceive to be police brutality.”
CBS, NBC Fully Back Milley’s Act of Treason, Promised to Warn China
(News Editors) If a military general tried to insert himself into the chain of command in an attempt to usurp power from a civilian Democratic president and promised America’s chief adversary they would warn them if we were going to attack, the liberal media would be screaming and calling it what it was: treason. But since Joint Chiefs Chairman General Mark Milley did those exact things to President Trump, CBS and NBC came out in strong support of it during their Tuesday evening newscasts, suggesting he was protecting the nation.
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Gaslighting The American People: Biden’s “Extraordinarily Successful” Withdrawal From Reality
(Zero Hedge) The Democratic Party and its apparatchiks in the media keep asking the American people variations on a single question: What are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?
Study: Ivermectin Is a “Broad Spectrum Antiviral of Interest” For Humans
(Ethan Huff) In May 2020, Australian researchers published a little-known study in the journal Antiviral Research that presents ivermectin, an FDA-approved drug for humans, as a “broad spectrum antiviral of interest.”
Dem Senate Candidate Charged With 4 Felonies for Allegedly Stealing $21,000 From Campaign, Then Lying About It
(Martin Walsh) A Wisconsin Democrat running for the U.S. Senate has been charged with four felonies for allegedly stealing $21,000 from her own campaign and then lying when questioned about it.
SAY WHAT??? COVID Positive Patients Are Told Type of Variant They’re Infected With Cannot Be Legally Disclosed
(Patty McMurray) Earlier today, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki announced that Joe Biden would address the nation “about his robust plan to stop the spread of the delta variant and boost vaccinations.” Psaki explained that Biden’s hands were tied when it comes to implementing a mass vaccine mandate.
“The CDC is Now Listing Vaccinated COVID-19 Deaths as Unvaccinated Deaths if They Die Within 14 Days of the Vaccine” – Dr. Simone Gold
(Jim Hoft) This surprises no one. The CDC is again bastardizing results of COVID and now vaccine statistics.
Evidence Mounts That Biden Manufactured Weeks-long False Narrative on Afghanistan
(John Solomon) Canceled congressional report, request to Afghan president to peddle story “whether it is true or not” raise alarm, and talk of impeachment.