(Sandy Brightman) The Earth has a natural background frequency of 7.83Hz, known as the Schumann Resonance, which corresponds to alpha brain waves in humans. When this frequency is thrown out of balance by other energies (either natural or manmade) we can also go out of balance. Our immune systems can weaken, thus inviting any number of illnesses to enter. NASA had to develop Earth Pulse Generators to mimic this natural frequency in spacecraft after finding astronauts lost tone and body mass living without the background 7.83Hz frequency.
ley lines
Ancient Global Civilization Connected Monuments to Earth’s Energy Grid
Ancient Global Civilization Connected Monuments to Earth’s Energy Grid
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Ley Lines, Ancient Flight Plans, And Their Mind-Bending Connection To Ancient Monuments
(Ivan) Have you ever heard about the so-called Ancient flight plans? Mostly found in Britain and France, ancient flight plans are geographical markers placed intentionally, that are interconnected and clearly visible once portrayed on a map.
Ley Lines, Energy Grids and Earth Currents
(Julian Websdale) One of the greatest mysteries of our time is the many alignments that link together sacred sites all over the UK and Europe called ‘ley lines’, ‘leys’, or ‘energy lines’. Related History of the World Grid Theory | Ley Lines, Platonic Solids, Vortexes, Energy Grid, Pyramids, Atlantis, Flying Machines, Annunaki, and more Source – Humans […]
Atlantis Power Grid | 13 Ancient Locations and a Massive ‘Naska-like’ Indian Face Built into Canadian Mountains
Source – Nexus Illuminati by Doug Yurchey Atlantis was a continent in the Atlantic Ocean and connected to 12 other colonies that formed a perfect grid around the Earth. We know this now because of the long-awaited, (by a handful of people) new discovery in Canada. Precisely where a map of Atlantis from 1974 predicted […]
History of the World Grid Theory | Ley Lines, Platonic Solids, Vortexes, Energy Grid, Pyramids, Atlantis, Flying Machines, Annunaki, and more
Image Source. Source – Exohuman by Token Rock The idea of the Earth as a geometric shape goes back in history at least to the Pythagorean school of thinking in ancient Greece. Its famous adherent, Plato, wrote that ‘the earth, viewed from above, resembles a ball sewn from twelve pieces of skin. Grid Description The […]
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The Language of Light – “The alphabetic forms emerge from luminous flare patterns of the brain. It is a true language of light, coursing through our very nervous system.”
For more data on this see this video The Enochian Alphabet – Language of the Angels – Vincent Bridges & Dan Winter part 1 of 8. – Justin Source – Nexus Illuminati by Sonya van Gelder With many ancient sites and artifacts being uncovered around the globe and the assistance of our modern day computer era and internet, […]
Ley Lines and their UFO, Occult and Paranormal Connections – A researchers findings reveal UFO phenomenon connected to Ley Lines
Image Source Robert was kind enough to pass along this post which goes well with the article Hidden Technology: Ley Lines of the UK and USA by David Cowan. Thank you Robert! The website, Biblioteca Pleyedes, has a staggering amount of information related to all sorts of alternative topics. While many will claim it is […]