(Calvin Freiburger) Justice Sonia Sotomayor falsely claimed the omicron variant was just as deadly as delta, and that 100,000 children are on ventilators due to COVID.
What Vaccines Say About the Precarious State of Our Freedom
(J.B. Shurk) As purportedly “free” countries all over the world get their tyrannical freak on by insisting that every citizen be jabbed with an experimental pharmaceutical cocktail or face the wrath of the Leviathan, I am reminded of a letter from Thomas Jefferson to Abigail Adams, in which he remarked: “The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions, that I wish it to be always kept alive.” Jefferson’s point was that ordinary citizens represent a necessary check on the natural abuses of government and the last line of defense against corruption and political tyranny.
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FDA to Add Warning to J&J Vaccine of ‘Serious But Rare’ Autoimmune Disorder
(Megan Redshaw) The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is will announce a new warning on Johnson & Johnson’s (J&J) COVID vaccine saying the shot has been linked to Guillain–Barré syndrome (GBS), a “serious but rare” autoimmune disorder. The Washington Post attributed the news to “four individuals familiar with the situation.”
Twitter Censors Peer Reviewed Mask Study
(Dr. Joseph Mercola) Prashant Bhushan, an advocate-on-record for the Supreme Court of India, put a post on Twitter that recommended reading a peer-reviewed study demonstrating that masks are ineffective and can cause substantial adverse physiological and psychological effects.
Malkin: Children Are Being Indoctrinated by Leftists in ‘war on Whites’
(Tom Pappert) Michelle Malkin, the popular populist commentator, author, and public speaker and host of Sovereign Nation on Newsmax TV, made the case that children in the United States are being brainwashed by “anti-white, anti-American bullies” in what she terms “the Left’s War on Whites.”
Polish-canadian Pastor’s Response to Covid-Nazi ‘Gestapo’ Is a Call for Us to Take a Stand Now
(JD Rucker) Police are just doing their job when the shut down church services over Covid-19, right? We keep hearing that excuse but it’s getting old and no longer makes sense. It’s time to take a stand and tell the authoritarians we aren’t going to bow down to their anti-science edicts. A pastor in Canada did that, and his example is one we should all be following.
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It’s Here: Show Me Your Papers: New York Rolls out Vaccine Passport Program
(Jordan Schachtel) Digitized segregation has arrived.
Seattle Antifa Builds Snow Barrier in Front of Precinct, Blocking Responders from Responding to Emergencies
(Kerry Marasco) Anyone who was dumb enough to think electing Democrats would placate anarcho-communists clearly don’t understand anarcho-communists.
Trump Supporters Are the Real Target of This Sham Impeachment
(JD Rucker) The claim that Democrats and some Republicans are trying to convict private citizen Donald Trump to prevent him from running again is a lie. They’re wanting to teach his supporters a lesson. We discuss this, federalism, and the proposed minimum wage tax hike on this episode.
FOX News Crashes and Burns After Their Fake Polls, Their Fake Predictions on Blue Wave and Their Quick Call on Arizona Highlight Their Far-Left Bias
(Joe Hoft) FOX News is falling apart. Their Director of News Decisions Desk, Arnon Mishkin, made a horrible call on Arizona election night and everyone knew it was one-sided and wrong, especially when delaying calls for certain red state wins for the President
Lil Wayne Endorses Trump For Reelection, Leftists Spew Racist Hate At Him
(Steve Watson) “The platinum plan is going to give the community real ownership”
How To Stop Schools From Replacing True Virtue With Leftist Virtue Signaling
(Louis Markos) I used to believe that the main problem with education in America was that our public schools, community colleges, and four-year universities had surgically removed all traces of virtue from the curriculum. I no longer believe that to be the case. Indeed, I believe that the current situation would be better had they done so!
Leftism’s Casual Relationship with the Truth Is Intentional
(Roman Skaskiw) In The Soviet Tragedy, Martin Malia describes many Soviet citizens feeling great relief at the outbreak of World War II. These were people less than twenty years removed from devastating wars, so they were unlikely to be naïve to the horrors, yet many welcomed the news of war because, as Malia describes, war provided a coherent, tangible reality again, in contract to the schizophrenic insanity of communism.