(Joe Hoft) Time to find a better school not connected to the Virginia teachers union.
Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge (Video)
Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge (Video)
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The Dogon Tribe, the Nommo, and Their Fascinating Cosmic Knowledge
(Janice Friedman) The ancient Dogon tribe are known for their religious traditions, their ritual dances, their massive ritual masks, their wooden sculptures and their architecture.
Knowing Versus Understanding | Jordan B Peterson (Video)
Knowing Versus Understanding | Jordan B Peterson (Video)
The Neuroscience of Curiosity: The Brain Treats Information as “Its Own Reward” Like Snacks or Money, Explain Researchers
(Franz Walker) People constantly being distracted by their phones has become a prevalent thing in today’s digitally connected society. Now, a recent study may shed light on the phenomenon.
Condemnation Without Investigation is the Height of Ignorance
(Paul Lenda) Albert Einstein once said, “Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance.” Yet, we see this being the default response by so many people to so many things. Rejecting something we know nothing about is staying ignorant, which means stagnancy in our evolution. If we wish to grow, we should be open to something and learn more about it before we condemn it.
How Empires Fall: Moral Decay
(Charles Hugh Smith) Moral decay is an interesting phenomenon: we spot it easily in our partisan-politics opponents and BAU (business as usual) government/private-sector dealings (are those $3,000 Pentagon hammers now $5,000 each or $10,000 each? It’s hard to keep current…), and we’re suitably indignant when non-partisan corruption is discovered in supposed meritocracies such as the college admissions process.
Secret Palm Signs Can Reveal Your Hidden Psychic Powers
Secret Palm Signs can Reveal Your Hidden Psychic Powers
The Need to be Somebody Separates You from Yourself
(Exploring your Mind) Sometimes you need to stop and think about why you want what you want. The external goals you choose due to vanity or the need to be somebody could stray you away from your true desires. Even worse, they could separate you from yourself. Are you the person who others wanted you to be or are you just yourself?
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How to Leverage Your Own Conscience as Pure Law
“Highly evolved people have their own conscience as pure law.” ~Lao Tzu
(Gary Z McGee) If we heed these wise words by Lao Tzu, then it stands to reason that we focus more on developing highly evolved people capable of honoring universal laws, rather than waste our energy bludgeoning people with invalid laws that violate the golden rule, the nonaggression principle, and the universal laws that dictate health.
Airbnb Patrons Are Finding More and More Cameras In Their Rooms — Here’s How To Check For Cameras
(Aaron Kesel) Airbnb is having more and more of its hosts hiding security cameras in rooms, and it doesn’t seem to be worried about the practice if innkeepers are disclosing the cameras and they aren’t in the bathrooms or bedrooms, according to a report by Fast Company.
35 Mind Blowing Facts About America That Previous Generations Of Americans Never Would Have Believed
(Edward Morgan) The only thing that seems to be constant in our society is change, and today America is changing at a pace that is more rapid than we have ever seen before. But is that a good thing or a bad thing? For a moment, I would like for you to imagine what it would be like for a group of average Americans from 1919 to suddenly be transported to our time.
9 Strange Things That Affect Spiritually Gifted People
(Justin Deschamps) Spiritually gifted people sounds like there are those who have it and those that don’t. But this isn’t the case. Spiritual gifts are not given to us for nothing, we’re not born with them in an active state. We have to develop them. Spiritual gifts are our personality potentials, they come alive inside us when we’re in certain situations and we choose, of our own free will, to step forward and grow.