Here is the latest on Kiri’s Case. Some may argue that these methods of non Consent prevent her from being released. Yes Kiri could just plead not guilty and get out on bail (possibly), but then she is accepting the fraud of the court system and denying her own truth. Kiri and this event, […]
Kiri Campbell
Brian Kelly’s Blog: Kiri Campbell Trial (second appearance): Updates from Inside the Courtroom
The following is an update of Kiri’s second court appearance from the 29th of July 2013. Kiri is still in custody, No status on the charges or what actually took place regarding the case. But this was a major event for the One People. I’ll leave you to read the details below. I […]
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Help Kiri – Petitions, Flyers and Links
Turik has some new flyers and info for helping Kiri. See below No other communication has occurred with Kiri at this time. Updates Pending Brian Kelly has also posted some information on his blog which I have included below Turikaturu’s information. For the Latest Update 800pm 27 July go here: (If you have not read about Kiri’s story before […]
UPDATE 8:00PM EST – Claire spoke to Kiri – Help Kiri Flyer
UPDATED 8:00PM EST – The following update was produced via a facebook thread in the The One People: Shifting Banking Discussion Group. Thank you Claire and Turikatuku for all your dedication to Kiri. (If you have not read about Kiri’s story before browse the article list below which details her DOV deposit process, initial court appearance and more). Kiri’s Status […]
UPDATE 10:22pm EST Kiri moved to ‘Correction Facility’
UPDATED 10:22pm EST – John from the The One People: Shifting Banking Discussion Group has been calling the Police Station in New Plymouth getting as much information as he can. Thank you John for your compassion and dedication. This is the kind of ‘goodwill towards men’ we are transitioning into. We are One People and One Family. I felt […]
Kiri Arrested (again) at 6pm on 26 July 2013
UPDATED 11:22am EST – Bronny NZ just released on her blog another update with a call for support! (see update below after the initial facebook thread). (If you have not read about Kiri’s story before browse the article list below which details her DOV deposit process, court appearance and more). Apparently, Kiri was arrested or kidnapped again by […]
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Brian Kelly’s Blog: An Announcement From Kiri
Looks like some large plans are in the works for NZ. If David Icke does pick up this story it will be a lot of press for the foreclosure of the worlds banks and “governments.” An Announcement From Kiri… July 25, 2013 If you listened to the In-Joy show last night, you heard Lisa Harrison […]
Discussion Points and Articles 24 July 2013 – Stillness in the Storm
Listen to the show here: Discussion Points and Articles 24 July 2013 – Stillness in the Storm Show Theme for today: Reconciliation and Repurposing – Justin wrote this to introduce the concepts for today’s theme: Repurposing starts by recognizing what IS, that there is something that needs to change, becoming aware of that energetic space; the […]
Kiri’s Day in Court – No Offers to Contract Accepted!
During the One People Show on July 22nd 2013 Kiri called in to give an update of her court appearance. Her energy and enthusiasm was magnetic. Kiri called from home. The show was alive with excitement. I strongly suggest listening to experience Kiri and the amazing energy this event has created for the world. (Information and […]
Kiri’s PreTrial Update & TSB Bank Comments on Facebook
If you have not already familiarized yourself with Kiri and her amazing DOing go back to this post: Kiri Deposits 15,000,000 of Value – Process Summary The following post was taken from Removing The Shackles: Update on Kiri, summary of all info and links and Heathers briefing I have summarized some of the major points […]
Kiri Deposits 15,000,000 of Value – Process Summary
(All of the information for this article was taken directly from the interview posted below) Kiri from, New Zealand, has done what many who have been following the former OPPT for the past few months have been dreaming about: She deposited 15,000,000 Units of her value into TSB Bank. There is a lot to […]
Brian Kelly’s Blog: The One People: Interview with Kiri from NZ 19th July 2013
This is a fantastic Interview. Kiri is an example of someone who knows who they are and expresses that transparently to effect amazing results!!! Don’t miss this.. – Justin The One People: Interview with Kiri from NZ 19th July 2013 Kiri creates her own documents to deposit her value and tells her story of her […]