(JD Rucker) Saying Project Veritas is about to expose corruption with a blockbuster revelation soon is like saying the sun is going to rise in the east tomorrow morning. Chances are, it’s going to happen.
James O'Keefe
James O’Keefe and Project Veritas Fighting Back With Help From Others
(Larry Johnson) The following cartoon accurately portrays the absurdity and evil of the FBI raid on Project Veritas and James O’Keefe.
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James O’Keefe: “10 FBI Agents… Handcuffed Me and Threw Me Against the Hallway… Partially Clothed in Front of My Neighbors.” [VIDEO]
(100 Percent Fed Up) On Saturday morning, James O’Keefe was awoken to the FBI banging on his door to conduct a predawn raid at his home as a continuation of an investigation surrounding Ashley Biden’s diary. O’Keefe was thrown against a wall, handcuffed, and forced to allow the confiscation of many confidential reporter notes and source identities.
“Let the Depositions Begin” – New York Supreme Court Sides with Project Veritas in Suit Against New York Times
(Cristina Laila) The New York Supreme Court on Thursday sided with Project Veritas in its lawsuit against the New York Times.
Facebook Whistleblower Suspended From Job: “I Have two Kids. I Have My Wife” [VIDEO]
(Patty McMurray) Project Veritas’ James O’Keefe interviewed Facebook data center technician Morgan Kahmann, the whistleblower who came forward with explosive internal documents that allegedly reveal an “experiment” or algorithm test, that Facebook performed on their social media platform that demoted (or hid) comments by users based on their “Vaccination Hesitancy score.”
James O’Keefe Can’t Wait to Depose Jack Dorsey Under Oath…Will File Additional Lawsuit Against Another Media Company [VIDEO]
(Ulysses S. Tennyson) We recently reported that James O’Keefe of Project Veritas is suing Twitter for defamation after they took down his Twitter account earlier this month. Twitter accuses him of operating a fake account, which O’Keefe flatly states is a defamatory lie.
HUGE: James O’Keefe To Sue Twitter for Defamation
(Ulysses S. Tennyson) We recently reported on James O’Keefe’s permanent ban on Twitter after he exposed the shocking anti-Trump pro-Biden pro-BLM bias at the very highest levels of the CNN apparatchik, threatening to show even more in the coming days and weeks.
CNN Director Was Secretly Caught Saying “Look What We Did We Got Trump Out”
(Anthony T) James O’Keefe along with undercover reporters from Project Veritas have completely exposed CNN once and for all.
CPAC 2021: James O’Keefe & SIX Veritas Whistleblowers Take Over The Main Stage in Orlando, Florida
CPAC 2021: James O’Keefe & SIX Veritas Whistleblowers Take Over The Main Stage in Orlando, Florida
Twitter Permanently Bans James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas
(Amanda Prestigiacomo) Twitter permanently banned the account of the James O’Keefe-founded undercover journalist group Project Veritas on Thursday for allegedly sharing “private information” without consent.
O’Keefe CNN Tapes: Execs Discussed Burying Hunter Biden Story, Advocated Helping Biden With Miami Cubans
(Ryan Saavedra) Newly released videos by James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas on Tuesday allegedly showed CNN executives discussing burying the Hunter Biden laptop story that was featured in the New York Post, as well as advocating for helping Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden with Cubans in Miami by countering narratives promoted by President Donald Trump.
Tim Pool and James O’Keefe Discuss Independent Journalism, Big Tech Censorship and Brave Insiders (Video)
Tim Pool and James O’Keefe Discuss Independent Journalism, Big Tech Censorship and Brave Insiders (Video)
O’Keefe Drops Part 2! “Our Revolution” Chairman Kris Jacks Reveals Depth of His Radical Organization’s Infiltration Into Colorado Democrat Party (VIDEO)
(Cristina Laila) Project Veritas on Tuesday dropped part 1 exposing a radical Democrat executive in Colorado and his plans for a violent revolution.
Latest O’Keefe Video Exposes How Creepy Twitter Really Is: “They’re Paid to Look at Your Dick Pics”
(Tyler Durden) Last week, Project Veritas and James O’Keefe dropped the first two parts of their new undercover series which exposed rampant political bias and generally creepy behavior at Twitter. We covered both of them here: Related NEW O’KEEFE: Hidden Cam Captures WaPo Natl Security Reporter Aghast At Anti-Trump Bias (video) Source – ZeroHedge by […]