(Zero Hedge) While most Americans thought they wouldn’t be affected by the partial government shutdown, anyone with a federal tax refund coming to them will have to wait until the stalemate is over, according to the Wall Street Journal.
irs fraud
American Tax Avoiders Could Lose Passport and Face Travel Ban
(RT) The Daily Sheeple’s Editor’s Note: Meanwhile, in the land of the fee, home of the slaves… The US Internal Revenue Service (IRS) says that under the so-called FAST Act it will start certifying tax debt to the State Department, which may then refuse to issue or renew a taxpayer’s passport. Related 30 Plus Cold Hard Facts About […]
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IRS Warning: Millions of Refunds for Low-Income Families Will Be Delayed
(Lily Dane) The Immoral Robbery Swindlers, er, the Internal Revenue Service, has made an announcement that is sure to disappoint those who are expecting two very common types of tax refunds this year. Source – The Daily Sheeple by Lily Dane, January 11th, 2017 More than 40 million low-income families who claim the earned income tax credit […]
How to Stop an IRS Audit | Internal Revenue Service Codes (IRC) and Cases To Cite In An IRS Response Letter
The following is a letter one can send in response to an audit notice from the IRS. The letter assumes that you have been filing tax returns in good standing. I have not personally used this process and I strongly caution anyone who intends to. Defending oneself from the despotic legal systems on Earth requires key […]
30 Plus Cold Hard Facts About The IRS | An Agent of a Foreign Corporation, A Collection Entity for The Federal Reserve Bank
The following is an analysis of the legal and contractual structures enshrouding the Internal Revenue Service. Many people never question the validity of this nefarious organization, and as a result their compliance to tyranny is consent to slavery. But the letter of the law, as it is described within United States Code, the legal statute, […]
Who Owns You? | Thou Shall Not Trade Souls with Birth Certificates
We saw this posted on Facebook and just had to share, comment below for the last answer at the bottom of the list. For more information on this topic see Trust Law: How You Became A Commodity – The Creation of Constructive Trusts and Accessing your ‘Strawman’ Account – Filing a UCC1 Financing Statement. – Justin Who […]
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Notice of Mistake to IRS (Editable Word .DOC)
Update – The link for the word document is offline and the original source page has been taken down. Thankfully this copy remains and can be used to build a document, as the below article contains a sample version. – Justin Source – Freedom From Government This is a good example of a letter to send […]
Will the IRS Reschedule the Death of the Dollar?
Source – Nestmann.com From Mark Nestmann, Nestmann.com Ever since President Obama signed the ill-conceived “Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act” (FATCA) into law in 2010, I’ve been warning about the death of the dollar. And I haven’t been alone. Other experts have cautioned about FATCA’s potential to literally shut down the global economy when it goes into […]
Disclosure: Check out the IRS’s stunning admission of its own mafia tactics
Source – Sovereign Man January 13, 2014 Santiago, Chile In the 3rd century AD, Emperor Caracalla famously remarked of Rome’s tax policy: “For as long as we have this,” pointing to his sword, “we shall not run out of money.” (Of course, Rome did run out of money. ) At the time, Roman taxation was […]
IRS Defeated by Hung Jury Against Tax Resister
Source – Activist Post This morning, the jury in Doreen Hendrickson’s trial returned to the courthouse and deliberated all day. At around 5pm, they finally emerged and presented their verdict: hung jury. Hung by ONE! What a delightful victory!!! One juror stood up to the others, stood up to the IRS (no small undertaking) and to […]
Usury: Weapon of Control and Enslavement – Part 1 and 2
Source – Activist Post Part 1 The world economy is based on the sand foundation of usury, which was considered a sin and tool of covert warfare for thousands of years. The rich rules over the poor, And the borrower is servant to the lender. Proverbs 22:7 Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I […]
Hidden in Plain Sight: IRS Corporate Fillings, Alphabet Agencies Religious Non-Profits
Source ShieenaLivingWater in the RTS Skype room gathered up the documentation from the State of Delaware Division of Incorporation registry and Maryland Department of Taxation and Assessment for the alphabet agencies as religious non-profits. Also the original incorporation documents for the IRS as a corporation and the UCC financing statements to amend original filling of […]
Gov’t Targets Private Bank Accounts, Seizes Funds Without Charge or Trial
Source Do you still keep a hefty portion of your savings in a U.S. bank? If so you may want to reconsider your options. Because if the following report from the Institute of Justice is any indication, nothing you hold in private bank account is safe anymore. Can the government use civil forfeiture to take […]
Tax Law vs Tax Fraud – Understanding the Laws for Voluntary Taxation
I actually found this back in 2011 and I changed my W4 to reflect exempt for income taxes and stopped filing tax returns. Now the IRS will still track your ‘income’ and after 3 years they will start sending you ‘reminders’ to file a 1040 form. There is a presumption that the IRS follows tax […]