(B.N. Frank) Got wireless tech? Privacy and security experts have warned for years about issues and vulnerabilities associated with “smart” (aka wireless) devices (appliances, wearables, etc.) and Internet of Things (IoT) technology. They’ve even warned about expensive, hazardous, and altogether awful utility “Smart” Meters (electric, gas, and water). For those who still aren’t creeped out or freaked out, two computer scientists recently provided more scary warnings.
Sanctions May End Up Isolating Russia’s Internet; Russians Flocking to VPNs To Bypass Censors
(Arsenio Toledo) Western sanctions against Russia could lead to the fragmentation of the internet, with Russia beginning the process of cutting itself off from the wider internet much like China has already done.
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Skynet 2.0: Unstoppable Secret Network Bypasses Internet
(Patrick Wood) According to popular tech expert, Rob Braxman, “There’s a secret network in operation today and this network can send centralized commands from its master to slave devices without anyone being able to stop it.” It can also track your precise location even when your phone is turned off.
Russia May Be Preparing Massive Cyberattack After Announcing Country Will Disconnect From Global Internet on March 11
(JD Heyes) As Russian President Vladimir Putin continues his invasion of neighboring Ukraine, his government announced earlier this week that the country will be disconnecting from the global internet in order to defend against external cyberattacks.
Russia Just Disconnected from the World’s Internet. It May Not Just Be About Censorship.
(Jeff Thompson) Russia Just Disconnected from the World’s Internet. It May Not Just Be About Censorship.
Air Force to Award Tens of Millions (or more) for Space Internet Experiments
(B.N. Frank) Internet use is safer, more secure, and more reliable with hardwired (Ethernet) connections not Bluetooth, “smart”, wireless (Wi-Fi), 5G or Internet of Things technology (see 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7). Unfortunately, since wireless technology tends to be cheaper, it is being funded and deployed in the U.S. more often for broadband via unsafe 5G, cell towers, satellites, and other wireless sources (see 1, 2, 3). Of course, wireless connections are still necessary for situations when nothing else is possible.
Cambodia Implements Full Internet Surveillance Through Single National Data Gateway
(Arno Maierbrugger) What Cambodia is implementing today will spread like wildfire as a means to end free speech around the world. This has always been the plan of the cabal that hell-bent of creating global governance with complete control of everything you do, say, and think. Please keep your eyes on this issue as it will not be isolated to Cambodia
Photos of Wyoming Kids Learning Gun Safety in School Light Up Internet, Spread Like Wildfire
(Grant Atkinson) When most adults think of physical education in elementary and middle school, it conjures up memories of fitness tests or organized dodgeball games.
Staying Safe from the Hidden Dangers of the Internet
(Jayne Rising) In this time of change, more and more people have turned to the Internet. Many are working from home, more shopping is being done online, many schools are offering virtual options for students. Unfortunately, criminals are also taking advantage of these changes. There are hidden dangers of the internet that we need to be aware of.
A New “Apocalyptic” Cyber Attack Could Wipe Out The Internet and Much More
(Helena Sutan) A new ‘apocalyptic’ cyber attack could wipe out the Internet, putting NASA, televisions, and Minecraft at risk.
The Online Disinhibition Effect: Being Braver Online Than in Real Life
(Exploring Your Mind) Would you dare to express yourself in your work in the same way that you do on social media? Probably not. Furthermore, you probably wouldn’t want your boss to be able to access certain content that you share on your Facebook profile. However, why is it that you say certain things online that you wouldn’t ever do in real life? The answer lies in the online disinhibition effect.
These Countries Have an Internet Kill Switch … And They Admit It
(Aden Tate) What do you suppose would happen if the President of the United States deemed it necessary, for “national security,” to flip the Internet Kill Switch? In these digital times, there should be great concern over something like this. However, normalcy bias seems to have a firm hold on a majority of the citizens of the US, and many are clinging to the “it can’t happen here” theory.
Quinnipiac University to Punish Unvaccinated Students by Cutting off Their Internet Access and Fining Them $200 per Week
(Lance D Johnson) Quinnipiac University in New Haven County, Connecticut is taking desperate, illegal measures to coerce young people to vaccinate. This private liberal arts college is not only violating the medical privacy of individuals — forcing each student to provide private medical information — but they are also EXTORTING students who do not take covid-19 vaccines. Quinnipiac University warned unvaccinated students that their internet access will be cutoff and they will be fined up to $200 per week. This extortion racket is a criminal act. The outlandish extortion threats are coming from maniacal forces within the federal government. The Biden regime is currently threatening to withhold federal funds from universities, nursing homes and other institutions if they do make vaccines and masks mandatory.
Unearthed Paper Shows Biden-Linked Group Demanding ‘Robust’ Audits & Admitting Machines Are Hackable Even Without Internet Access.
(Raheem J. Kassam) The 21-page document entitled “9 Solutions to Secure America’s Elections” was written by Danielle Root and Liz Kennedy and published on August 16, 2017.
Fmr. Obama Official: Internet ‘Biggest Danger’ Because It Allows Americans to ‘Believe What We Want to Believe’
(Kyle Becker) Former Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson, who served under President Obama, is calling the Internet the “biggest danger” to America. When elaborating on the reasons why, the former DHS Sec. said the quiet part out loud.