(Frances Bloomfield) With social media becoming increasingly popular, various issues have since been linked to its usage. The most recent of these was uncovered by Canadian researchers: They found that spending at least 60 minutes on social media could negatively impact your sleeping patterns. The more you used Facebook, Snapchat, or WhatsApp, the higher your odds of not getting enough sleep.
Sleep Disorders May Be a Symptom of Depression: People Who Don’t Get Enough Sleep Have Repetitive, Negative Thoughts Which Can Lead to Depression and Anxiety
(Earl Garcia) Lack of sleep may do more than induce a “spaced out” feeling as recent research published in the Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry found that sleep deprivation may lead to the persistence of repetitive negative thoughts. Researchers at the State University of New York at Binghamtonexplained that repetitive negative thinking occurs when a person focuses on distressing and unhelpful thoughts and stimuli, which in turn may result in a decreased quality of life and the onset of mental health problems associated with depression and anxiety.
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Breaking Up Sleep Into Two Parts, Like They Did Before the Industrial Age, May Cure Insomnia
(Jessica Dolores) The invention of electricity has brought a lot of benefits, like powering appliances that make housework faster and easier for us. But it also created a group of people who find it hard to sleep at night.