(Jim Hoft) In March 2020, Dr. Tony Fauci urged the President of the United States to lock down the entire US economy for two weeks to slow the spread of the coronavirus.
Babies in the Womb May See More than We Thought
(Science Daily) Light-sensitive cells active in the retina even before the fetus can distinguish images may play a larger role in the developing eye and brain than previously thought.
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Science Proves, Cuddling Babies Changes Their Genetics For Life
(David Neild) The amount of close and comforting contact that young infants get doesn’t just keep them warm, snug, and loved.
Animal Study Shows How Stress and Mother’s Abuse Affects Infant Brain
(Science Alert) A new study in rats shows the extent of brain damage in newborn rodents from even short-term abuse by their mother.
How Babies Integrate New Events into Their Knowledge
(Science Daily) Babies seek to understand the world around them and learn many new things every day. Unexpected events — for example when a ball falls through a table — provide researchers with the unique opportunity to understand infants’ learning processes. What happens in their brains as they learn and integrate new information?
The Propensity to Hear ‘Voices’ in Schizophrenia May Be Established by Infancy
(Science Daily) Some people suffering from severe mental illness, particularly schizophrenia, hear “voices,” known as auditory hallucinations. This symptom, which afflicts more than 80% of patients, is among the most prevalent and distressing symptoms of schizophrenia.