Source – I UV I have been enjoying having conversations with many people about accessing their value, pros and cons, some state that it gives money to feed the dying beast ptw… and so it should not be done…. Here is something else to think about if you resinate with the thoughts… We are creator beings. […]
I UV: Katherine J: First Eternal Essence to Share Going Into The Bank
Source – I UV Bank visit in Trondheim Norway today, how it went: “It was soooo much fun!!! 2 min with the bank, like the 2 most awesomest minutes of my life lately!well in relations to TOP anyways. I should hear by end of Tuesday or I will call or I will call local and american […]
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Sovereignty and The Impact of The One People By Bethany Crawmer – Facts about what the OPPT did
Thanks for sharing Bethany! Source Looking back to March feels like an eternity now. So much has changed yet it feels the same. A strange paradox. Up until March I had been doing my own healing work for a few years already, I had a job, a husband, but I was having a rough time. […]
Hidden in Plain Sight: IRS Corporate Fillings, Alphabet Agencies Religious Non-Profits
Source ShieenaLivingWater in the RTS Skype room gathered up the documentation from the State of Delaware Division of Incorporation registry and Maryland Department of Taxation and Assessment for the alphabet agencies as religious non-profits. Also the original incorporation documents for the IRS as a corporation and the UCC financing statements to amend original filling of […]
I UV: Scientist Photographs The Soul Leaving The Body
Source The timing of astral disembodiment in which the spirit leaves the body has been captured by Russian scientist Konstantin Korotkov, who photographed a person at the moment of his death with a bioelectrographic camera. The image taken using the gas discharge visualization method, an advanced technique of Kirlian photography shows in blue the life […]
I-UV: Stunning South Carolina Ruling Supports Foreclosed Homeowners
Source South Carolina Court Upholds Ruling That Foreclosure Law of U.S. Supreme Court Trumps Everything:Foreclosing Party Must Own Both The Note and The Mortgage to Foreclose. Published by Jeff Barnes, Esq., September 20, 2013 “The Court determined that “Plaintiff failed to show that it owned the Mortgage at the time the Complaint was filed”, and […]
I-UV: Update Wells Fargo Release of Lien After Phone Calls About BWWEE 9.21.13
Very interesting. Definitely an interesting correlation between these recent talks with Wells Fargo and the release. Whether there is an actual causal connection is unknown. As much as we would LIKE to believe this is due to the talks, objectively we would do well to receive the data, but not jump to any conclusions. – […]
I-UV: One People en Mass Mailing to Wells Fargo 9.24.13
Source For this to bring the right volume, energetics, physicality focused energy into the Wells Fargo system and into the banking system as a whole it would be great if as many people who care about accessing a representation of their value in the form of money from banks with our collective focused intent take […]
I-UV: Update 9.16.13 – Friday, Today’s Call and One People show Appearance (and Bob DOV Update)
BZ also called in to the One People show for an update and summery, listen here. Bob also gives a brief update about his DOV Dox. He updates ~45min into the show. Source Update Bridgeline Conference call Monday 9.16.13 2 pm PST Recording of call Listen Here this is a raw file […]
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HOW TO (Courtesy Notice): P6 OPPT supporter gets 1000 oz of Silver committed to be paid by leg
This BEing is DOing a lot! What an example we have here with regard to how we can use these tools to our advantage. – Justin Source Published on Sept 8, 2013 This is is my response to there response to my counter claim by the legal firm Harper and Gray representing the TD Bank. […]
I-UV: Update 9.10.13 – Call Recording and Proposal Letter sent to Wells Fargo
Source Letter sent to Wells Fargo which was drafted today during our call: September 10, 2013 VIA EMAIL John Stumpf Chairman, President, CEO Wells Fargo & Company 420 Montgomery St. San Francisco, CA 94104 Dear Mr. Stumpf, This letter is an invitation from an international group of One People who are individually accessing our value […]
Letter to Banks: Oliver Troll: Repurposing and renewal of the current banking system
Source Monday, September 09, 2013 To management at: XXXXXX Repurposing and renewal of the current banking system I am writing to you in connection with a banking system that doesn’t work and does not have anything beneath it. This is a matter of concern for us all even you reading. First some background: As you […]
I-UV: Update 9.09.13 Called 2 Private Banks Today to prepare for DOV talks on Friday 9.13
Source A new Skype room called “Bankers Working with Eternal Essence” has been created. It already has people from all over the world participating. Because the Skype room only holds 300, people asked to have information put on the blog so more people from around Gaia can participate in the co-creation/role-play practice calls and also […]
I-UV: Repurposing of the Global Banking Industry Has Begun
Source “…The banking industry is going through a reinvention of products and services with some questioning whether banks will know how to adapt to their retail customer’s needs.” On September 7, 2013, a group of Eternal Essence held a global meeting to discuss the declaration and deposit of their Universal Value into an evolving, new […]
I-UV: Updated – Skype Call 2pm PST 9.07.13 (recording)
Lots of good discussion came out of this call. We intend to move forward with trying to work with the banks and accept the DOV. Updates will come out as they are issued. – Justin SourceUpdate 9.7.13 The raw call recording is here For recording Click here The three docs below are good ones to […]