(Humans Are Free) March 21, 2020, a stay-at-home order was enacted in Illinois due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It continued for 11 weeks, eventually being lifted May 30, 2020.
humans are free
CNN Poll Finds 70% of Republicans Don’t Think Biden Legitimately Won Election
(Humans Are Free) A CNN poll that will surely enrage the establishment has found that a whopping 70% of Republicans don’t think Joe Biden legitimately won the 2020 election.
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CDC Suddenly Concerned About Covid ‘False Positive’ Tests, After Ignoring the Blatant ‘Casedemic’ From the Beginning
(Humans Are Free) The CDC has issued new guidelines for measuring “breakthrough” Covid cases (a vaccinated person contracting the virus), recommending that the PCR test cycles be dialed down to below 28 to avoid false positives.
Sidney Powell: America is Now a ‘Communist Regime’
(Bob Unruh) One of the lawyers who fought, without a lot of success, to have evidence of fraud in the 2020 presidential election reviewed by the courts in America has delivered a harsh verdict on the state of the nation under President Joe Biden.
Huge Group of Doctors from 30 Countries: ‘There is No Scientific Foundation to the Concept of Vaccine Passports’
(Humans Are Free) A GROUP of doctors say natural immunity to coronavirus infection is long lasting but fear people will be coerced into taking top-up vaccines in order to re-access society when their Digital Green Pass expires after just six months.
Official UK Govt Model: Third COVID Wave Will Kill or Hospitalize 60 to 70% People Who Took Both the Vaccine Doses
(Humans Are Free) According to projections by UK’s top modelling agency the thrid wave of COVID-19 spike will hospitalize and kill 60 to 70% of those people who took both the vaccine doses.
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China’s ‘Social Credit Scoring’ is Expanding Globally, Now Openly Operational in Western Canada
(Scott McGregor & Ina Mitchell) China’s Orwellian “social credit system” that records the social and financial behaviour of individuals and corporations across China, using a vast surveillance system, has expanded globally, and is now openly operational at the renowned Haidilao hot pot restaurant, in Western Canada.
COVID Cases Are Growing the Most in Locked-Down States
(Humans Are Free) Early last month, Texas governor Greg Abbott announced he would end the state’s mask mandate and allow most businesses to function at 100 percent capacity.
SICK: Watch Bill Gates Stating That an ‘Intentionally Caused Epidemic is the Most Likely Thing to Cause 10 Million Excess Deaths’
(Staff Writer) I don’t know about you, but I find Bill Gates to be one of the weirdest, most ghoulish people out there. Bill Gates is not a doctor, or a scientist, or a politician.
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BUSTED: German Police Shut Down ‘Boystown’ Child Sex Abuse Platform ‘With 400,000 Members’
(Staff Writer) Police in Germany took down a giant pedophile site dubbed “Boystown” last month following a massive multi-jurisdiction investigation that spanned months, police revealed Monday.
At Least 60% of All New COVID-19 ‘Cases’ Are Occurring in People Who Were Already Vaccinated
(Ethan Huff) Dr. Harvey Risch, a professor of epidemiology at Yale University, has calculated that upwards of 60 percent of all new “cases” of the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) are occurring in people who were already “vaccinated” for the disease.
Ex-GAVI Scientist Claims COVID Vaccines May Create ‘Highly Infectious Variants’
(Arjun Walia) Is it possible that COVID vaccines could somehow lead to to the spread of more infectious variants?
CDC: 5,800 Test Positive, 74 Die of Coronavirus at Least 14 Days After Getting Fully Vaccinated
(Nolan Barton) The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on Thursday, April 15, confirmed some 5,800 breakthrough coronavirus (COVID-19) cases in the U.S.
Pope Francis, Once Again, Calls for a New World Order and ‘Universal Vaccines’
(Ethan Huff) In an April 4 letter he sent to the Spring 2021 virtual meeting of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Pope Francis officially called for a new system of “global governance” and “universal vaccines” to cure the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) and other pressing “problems.”
Globalists Preparing Another Crisis in America as the Great Reset Agenda is Currently Failing
(Brandon Smith) It might sound like “US exceptionalism” to point this out (…and how very dare I), but even if the globalist Reset is successful in every other nation on Earth, the globalists are still failures if they can’t secure and subjugate the American people.