(RJ Jhonson) Rosemary, known for its distinct fragrance, can also improve memory according to a recent study, proving that the herb’s effects on your brain go beyond making food more appetizing.
10 Ways Sex Heals Your Body
(April McCarthy) What’s the fountain of youth, secret to happiness, and key to health, longevity and a stress-free lifestyle? It’s something that gives pleasure and one of life’s most beautiful experiences to be shared with another human being.
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Smartphone Addiction Related to Sugar, Narcotics, Alcohol, Pornography, Gambling Addictions
(John P. Thomas) In the previous article about smartphone and tablet addiction, I discussed the addictive techniques used by app developers to get people hooked on using their websites.
Understanding Cravings: Food Preferences Are Linked to Dietary Needs; Dopamine May Play a Role in What You Choose to Eat, Research Suggests
(Frances Bloomfield) For the first time ever, researchers are understanding a nutrient-specific hunger mechanism in living organisms. Specifically, a team from John Hopkins University has pinpointed the neurons responsible for protein cravings in fruit flies – neurons that the team was able to turn on and off.
A Proper Detox Can Reset Your Hormones and Get Your Health Back on Track
(Michelle Simmons) Detoxifying the body involves minimizing incoming toxins and helping the body more efficiently remove chemicals, hormones, toxicants, and other environmental compounds. The main body organ that benefits during a detox is the liver. A detox helps remove substances that stress the organ and provide it with the best nutrients for it to function effectively.
Painful Periods? Taking Vitamin B1 Daily Can Help
(RJ Jhonson) There have been many claims of effective nutritional treatments for pain caused by dysmenorrhea, but few have actual studies to back them up. A randomized double-blinded trial conducted in India found that thiamine or vitamin B1 could provide some much-needed comfort from menstrual cramps.
The Emasculation of Men, Part 1. Biotechnology – Time for Truth
(Laszlo Szucs) There has been a decades long effort by the Global Elite to feminize men. This covert agenda has been a deliberate attempt to influence human biology without the public’s knowledge.
Five So-called “Conspiracy Theories” That Are Actually Supported by Mainstream Science
(Vicki Batts) Telling the truth about a scandal that hasn’t been approved by the legacy media and their owners often yields a predictable result: You’ll be labeled a conspiracy theorist — even when there is plenty of evidence to support the truth. Comfortable lies may help some people sleep at night, but the truth is that many supposed “conspiracy theories” are actually real, and are supported by science. Who would have thought? Here are five truths that are widely misrepresented as conspiracy theories, and the evidence which supports them:
Detox Yourself from These Everyday Items That Could Be Wreaking Havoc on Your Hormones
(Jessica Dolores) Do you know that some of the everyday things we take for granted are teeming with toxins that harm our health?
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Estrogen-like Compounds in Soy-based Baby Formula Found to Cause Changes in Reproductive Health
(Isabelle Z.) Parents might give their infants soy-based formula because of a lactose intolerance, milk allergies, or other feeding problems, but a new study shows this could be a case of trading one problem for another.