(Brandon Smith) After studying and exposing the agendas of establishment elites for the past 14 years, I can say with some authority that by watching these people you quickly begin to understand the reality of evil.
Oliver Stone: Hollywood Censors ‘Subjects That Are Critical Of America’s Foreign Policy’
(Paul Bois) According to Oliver Stone, Hollywood censors films that are critical of U.S. foreign policy, a rather strange charge, considering that the director made a name for himself with movies such as “Platoon,” “Born on the Fourth of July,” “JFK,” “Nixon,” and “W.”
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Did Tom Hanks Signal the Murder of Isaac Kappy in a Tweet?
(Gomeravibz) Why did Tom Hanks Tweet very strangely this ” red ” Handkerchief to his followers on Twitter ? Just one day exactly before the very ” suspicious suicide ” proclaimed by Police of this poor Issac Kappy that forced his way off a 20 meter only Bridge onto Route 66 below to be then hit by a camper van, which is incidentaly also featured in this Tweet by Hanks!
Bronfman Family Billionaires Implicated In NXIVM Hollywood ‘Sex Cult’
(Arjun Walia) When Hollywood actress Allison Mack became one of multiple actresses t0 be implicated in the “NXIVM” sex cult case, it really opened more people’s eyes to the reality of sex trafficking in ‘high’ places. NXIVM was a well known company that supposedly offered executive success programs but hid behind this description and mainly operated as a sex cult. Mack is still awaiting her sentencing, she and multiple other actresses have been accused of working for the cult in a management capacity. Mack’s job was to lure women into the program under the false pretence of female empowerment. The leader, Keith Raniere, is currently in prison and awaiting sentencing for sex-trafficking. He was also accused of raping girls as young as 12–15 years old, imprisoning a woman for 18 months, child pornography, and more.
Hollywood Celebrities Use Robert Trump’s Death to Attack the President: The ‘Wrong Trump’ Died
(David NG) Hollywood celebrities are joining in the left’s tasteless mockery of President Donald Trump’s younger brother, Robert, using his death to attack the president himself and crack jokes about the family, claiming that the “wrong Trump” died and that his death might actually be a “hoax.”
Hollywood Film Producer Speaks Out — Hollywood Child Abuse & a Child’s Voice (Full Movie)
(Edward Morgan) Even though this IS a fictional movie, the director made an emotional appeal recently, encouraging the mass sharing of this, as a lot of the storyline IS ACTUALLY TAKING PLACE IN REALTIME!
Back to the Future Decoded (Video)
Back to the Future Decoded (Video)
Ricky Gervais Tells Hollywood To “Stop F****** Kids” In A Recent Tweet
(Arjun Walia) In a recent tweet, comedian Ricky Gervais told Hollywood to stop F****** children.
MUST SEE: Systemic Pedophilia | Part 5 | Hollywood Exposed (Video)
MUST SEE: Systemic Pedophilia | Part 5 | Hollywood Exposed (Video)
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Former “Queen of Porn” Posts Series of Tweets Claiming Her Insights Into Hollywood Pedophilia
(John Vibes) The legendary porn star Jenna Jameson has become increasingly outspoken since her departure from the profession in 2008, and regularly comments on social media about people in the entertainment industry. Last week, the former adult actress posted a few disturbing tweets with accusations about rampant pedophilia and child abuse in the entertainment industry. She also called out the online platform periscope for hosting child abuse footage.
Oliver Stone: Hollywood Too Politically Correct, ‘Too Fragile, Too Sensitive’
(Paul Bois) Speaking with The New York Times to promote his upcoming memoir, Stone said the film industry has become too politically correct, “too sensitive,” and “too fragile.” This shift has pushed him into making documentaries instead of narrative-based films such as “Snowden,” about NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, which was released in 2016. Related Portland Cop Slams […]
People Are Waking Up: Patriots and Normies EXPOSE The NWO’s “One World Together at Home” Concert in Inspiring Comments
(Mystic Magpie) Last night the world’s “top” musicians gathered together in partnership with the World Health Organization in a heartwarming display of New World Order antics for the One World Together at Home concert. They’re not even trying to hide it…it’s in the name! This glorious propaganda piece is the brainchild of Lady Gaga and the W.H.O.’s director Dr. Tedros Adhanom, among others; two people with upstanding backgrounds and absolutely nothing shady in their past… Thankfully, patriots and normies alike gathered in the comment section to expose the agenda and let others know that we are not down with the globalist propaganda.
Q Praises Shocking Out of Shadows Documentary and Millions Watch it
(Deborah Franklin) On April 10, an underground documentary with no publicity landed on YouTube and amassed one million views in 24 hours. Despite YouTube’s efforts to hide it, Out of Shadows continues to attract more than a million viewers a day, lifting the mask “on how the mainstream media and Hollywood manipulate and control the masses by spreading propaganda throughout their content.”
Ricky Gervais Rips Celebrities Who Are ‘Complaining About Being In A Mansion’ During Pandemic
(The Daily Wire) Comedian Ricky Gervais slammed celebrities who are complaining about having to be locked up in their mansions during the coronavirus outbreak, saying he doesn’t want to hear people “moaning” and that coming from humble beginnings taught him to be thankful for everything he has.
Did Madonna Use Pedophile Code Words in Her Creepy Coronavirus Lockdown Posts?
(Marko De Francis) Isolation does strange things to people. But sometimes, people are really creepy, to begin with. Madonna is a fair case in point. During the coronavirus lockdown, Madonna said things that experts who study coded language should be able to recognize. For the average Joe or Jane, this is nothing short of creepy as @$%#.