(Madeleine Hubbard) President Joe Biden’s son Hunter demanded his brother’s widow get tested for HIV in 2018, as their affair ended, according to emails Fox News obtained from his infamous abandoned laptop.
The “No Virus” Theory Is Based on HIV
(Julie Beal) When Stefan Lanka came up with the no-virus theory, it seems he based it all on HIV and AIDS. It’s like he tried to generalize from one virus to all viruses, using other people’s theories. Tom Cowan and Andrew Kaufman have popularized Lanka’s ideas and have recently suggested that criticisms about the isolation of HIV can be applied to all viruses, including SARS-CoV-2. This is highly misleading, because if anyone decides to look up some of these criticisms, they’ll sound like the stuff the no-virus theorists say, as if it’s some kind of validation, or proof that viruses don’t exist at all. But the scientists who criticised the discovery of HIV were making very specific points about one virus only – they didn’t suggest it applied to other viruses, and none of them said viruses aren’t real. Only Stefan Lanka said that. The whole thing started in 1998 when he revealed his idea:
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Claims of a New, Deadlier HIV Variant Could Be Attempt to Frighten People into Accepting Another Plandemic
(Arsenio Toledo) Recent claims that a new variant of HIV has been discovered may just be an attempt to create another pandemic.
First Woman Cured of HIV Following Umbilical Cord Stem Cell Transplant, Report
(Sophie Mann) The case is the first of a woman being cured of the virus, and third person to date.
Uh-Oh: Scientists Say Coronavirus More Likely to Attach Itself to Human Cells than SARS, Thanks to HIV-like “Mutation”
(JD Heyes) When it comes to researching a new virus or disease, there’s always some good news and some bad news when you discover what makes them work.
Biden Plans Decriminalization of HIV Transmission
(WND News Services) Former Vice President Joe Biden’s plan to “advance LGBTQ equality” includes a promise to decriminalize HIV exposure and transmission laws.
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Second Person Cured Of HIV Remains Virus-Free After 30 Months
(Mandy Froelich) Until recently, only one person has ever successfully beaten the human immunodeficiency viruses (HIV). The success of the case was difficult to replicate – but not impossible. According to a new study published in The Lancet HIV, the second person ever is now HIV-free.
HIV/AIDS Research Pioneer Dr. Judy Mikovits Blows Whistle on Dr. Fauci
(Forbidden Knowledge) This video was produced by Robert F Kennedy Jr’s Children’s Health Defense coalition to allow top US research scientist, Dr. Judy Mikovits to briefly tell her story.
40-Year-old Man Confirmed to Be World’s Second Person Cured of HIV After 30 Months Virus Free
(Good News Network) A study of the second HIV patient to undergo successful stem cell transplantation from donors with an HIV-resistant gene, finds that there was no active viral infection in the patient’s blood 30 months after they stopped anti-retroviral therapy.
Coronavirus, AIDS, And The Politics Of Viral Fear
(Alexander Light) In the 1980’s, agenda-driven panic around the HIV epidemic set back the public health response by years.
New Evidence Emerges: Coronavirus “Bioweapon” Might Have Been a Chinese Vaccine Experiment Gone Wrong… Genes Contain “Pshuttle-sn” Sequences, Proving Laboratory Origin
(Mike Adams) Two days ago, a paper published in the Biorxiv.org journal presented findings that indicated the coronavirus appeared to be engineered with “key structural proteins” of HIV. The paper, entitled, “Uncanny similarity of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120 and Gag,” concluded that the engineering of coronavirus with such gene sequences was “unlikely to be fortuitous in nature,” providing strong scientific support for the theory that the coronavirus is an engineered bioweapon that escaped laboratory containment in China.
THIS IS HUGE! Zero Hedge BANNED From Twitter After Posting Findings of ‘HIV’ Insertions in Coronavirus, Bioweapon Possibility
(Justin Deschamps) There are few events that openly reveal or implicate the agenda of the Deep State. This is one of them.
Depopulation Agenda Exposed: South African Paramilitary Unit Plotted to Infect Black Population with Aids, Former Member Claims
(Adam Lusher) Group said to have ‘spread the virus’ at the behest of Keith Maxwell, eccentric leader of the shadowy South African Institute of Maritime Research, who wanted a white majority country where ‘the excesses of the 1960s, 70s and 80s have no place in the post-Aids world’.
Killed by The Deep State? | Grammy-Nominee, Making Documentary on ‘Cure for Cancer and AIDS’, Murdered in Broad Daylight
(Matt Agorist) After announcing that he was making a documentary that could bring down the medical industrial complex, Grammy-nominated rapper, Nipsey Hussle was gunned down.
Another Death of a Holistic Doctor Who Claimed a Cure for Aids
(Joseph Farrell) There has been another strange death of a “holistic doctor,” this time, however, under more suspicious circumstances than usual, and there have been a wealth of such people dying under a variety of suspicious circumstances, and even of “regular” physicians who have also died, or in some cases, been murdered, under equally suspicious circumstances. But this one is more unusual than the usual “unusuality” associated with such deaths (if I may coin the word), for the individual in question, Aaron Traywick, claimed to have a cure for AIDS. (This article was shared by Mr. S.D.):