(Joe Hoft) The case against Ripple moves forward as cryptocurrency owners join XRP and Ripple in what’s now determined to be an abusive SEC.
Hillary Clinton
Husband Of Woman Killed By Alec Baldwin Is Attorney For Latham & Watkins
(Jonathan Davis) The cinematographer who was shot and killed by actor Alec Baldwin with a prop gun on Thursday was married to a corporate lawyer employed by a law firm involved in defending an attorney who worked with the 2016 campaign of Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.
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Your Steele Dossier Cheat Sheet
(Larry Johnson) Now that former MI-6 intelligence officer Christopher Steele has resurfaced in a ridiculous interview with George Stephanopoulos, I thought it would be useful to re-post a piece I did providing a summary of the Dossier. Steele’s Dossier is a sloppy fabrication. Read the following and decide for yourself.
‘He Will Be The Nominee’: Hillary Admits Trump Will Win GOP Nomination In 2024, Complains Republicans Don’t Trust Elections
(Andrew White) “We’re still in the midst of a concerted, well-funded effort to undermine American democracy.”
Hillary Clinton Says Won’t Run Again for Elected Office but ‘Never Going To Get Out’ of Politics
(Just the News) Former first lady and presidential candidate Hillary Clinton says she has no plans to run again for elected office but will “never be out of the game of politics” – citing “the insurrection” and saying democracy is at stake.
The “17 Intelligence Community Agencies” Canard on Russian Interference
(Larry Johnson) CANARD–a false or unfounded report or story; especially : a fabricated report. That’s how Merriam Dictionary defines the term and it certainly seems to be a dandy word to describe the claim that Russia interfered in the 2016 Presidential election and that the 17 U.S. intelligence agencies agree.
Durham’s Investigation Should Go to the Top of Obama’s Administration
(Larry Johnson) I wrote the following in March 2017. That is four-plus years ago. Unfortunately, not too many paid attention. But recent developments, such as Special Prosecutor Durham’s indictment of one of Hillary’s attorneys make it still relevant:
Hillary Clinton Wants to Kill the ‘Filibuster.’ The Reason She Gives is Just *Hilarious.*
(Kyle Becker) Hillary Clinton this week expressed support for ending the filibuster, arguing that the Republican Party “does not respect the rule of law.”
Durham Targets Clinton Campaign Law Firm In Fresh Round Of Subpoenas
(Martin Walsh) Special Counsel John Durham indicted a prominent lawyer last week who worked for the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.
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FLASHBACK APRIL 2019: Bogus Trump-Russia Alfa Bank Connections Were Created By Hillary Supporter, Working with Fusion GPS — And Pushed BY CROOKED HILLARY!
(Jim Hoft) Here is a flashback report we posted at The Gateway Pundit back in April 2019.
Eric Trump: We Didn’t Know Until 2 Days Ago Hillary Clinton Funded the Alfa Bank Mainstream Media Scam (VIDEO)
(Jim Hoft) Eric Trump: The problem with the Democrats is they dig so deep they finally find themselves.
TRIBUTE: Comedian Norm Macdonald’s Brutal Jokes Directed at Hillary Clinton [Video]
(Leisa Audette) A Retired Army Colonel and Former Foreign Policy Advisor to President Trump spoke with Tucker Carlson about bombshell information via a new book from Bob Woodward claiming General Milley committed treason by going around the chain of command to speak to China.
Hillary Clinton Demonizes Trump Supporters on Eve of 9/11 Anniversary, Says She’s “More Concerned About Internal Threats” (VIDEO
(Cristina Laila) Trump’s biggest accomplishment was keeping this wretched woman out of the White House.
Rose McGowan Tweets at Hillary Clinton That She Was in Bill Clinton’s Hotel Room: ‘Here Comes the Bomb’
(NOQ Report) Actress Rose McGowan is one of the most vocal critics of the Democrat establishment. It began at the start of the #MeToo movement when she came out as one of the most prominent names sleaze bag producer and prominent Democrat donor Harvey Weinstein allegedly got rapey with. She also called out the Democrat hacks running #MeToo for being complicit. Now the actress is living extremely dangerously. She’s calling out Hillary Clinton.
What’s Wrong with Hillary? Hillary Clinton Spotted in the Hamptons Covering Every Inch of Her Skin – Including Her Hands
(Cristina Laila) Bill and Hillary Clinton on Tuesday were spotted taking a walk on the beach in the Hamptons.