(Nick Polizzi) Twenty years ago, the term “autoimmune disease” was virtually unspoken of. It certainly wasn’t something you would see in the big news headlines – like cancer, Alzheimer’s, or heart disease.
Essential Oil From This Turkish Medicinal Plant Found to Reduce Dementia-related Anxiety and Depression
(Ralph Flores) A species of St. John’s wort (Hypericum) that’s native to Central Asia may alleviate depression and anxiety, especially for those with dementia. In a report published in the Journal of Essential Oil Research, researchers from Firat University in Turkey examined the anti-anxiety and anti-depression properties of Hypericum scabrum.
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“Malaysian Ginseng” Tongkat Ali Is Nature’s Hormone Optimizer and Vitality Inducer
(Ascent Nutrition) Most people today looking to rev up their workouts or sex life should be familiar with the popular adaptogen Ginseng, spanning across each continent, there is home to several different species of this root. Today we will be taking a look at Tongkat ali, better known as Malaysian Ginseng or Longjack. Keep reading to […]
3 Herbs To Heal Your Gut (And Recipes!)
(Nick Polizzi) Did you know that there are more neurons in your Enteric Nervous System (Gut Brain) as there are in your spinal cord?
What Are Adaptogens & How Can You Benefit from Them?
(Ocean Robbins) It’s no secret that eating plants is good for our health. Even unglamorous veggies like potatoes and ordinary fruits like apples are nutritional powerhouses, providing us with vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, and multiple forms of fiber. But there are a few plants credited with “above and beyond” powers of healing. Known as “adaptogens,” their popularization in recent years came via wellness-minded celebrities. And adaptogens are gaining momentum in the west as solutions to many of the problems of modern living: low mood, stress, anxiety, depression, and a compromised immune system. Adaptogens are often promoted as safe and natural alternatives to pharmaceutical drugs, although they work complementary to Western medicines as well. So the big question is: Are adaptogens the real deal, or just plain old plants with a big marketing budget?
The Herb, Essential Oils and ORMUS to Enhance Your Meditation and Spiritual Practice
(Neville Goddard) At this time of the January 2019 full moon lunar eclipse in the Leo constellation, certain information that comes to us now has the opportunity to have deep and lasting spiritual implications for our lives.
Rhodiola Rosea Proven As Burnout, Stress and Fatigue Reliever
(Michael Wright) Rhodiola rosea is a strong adaptogenic root that grows abundantly throughout Siberia and has been used in the East as a treatment for depression, fatigue, mental and physical stress, cardiovascular health and immune support for centuries.
Lyme Disease Bioweapon? Natural Tonic Treats Disease without the Adverse Effects of Antibiotics
(Will Justice) For decades, many have suspected that the US government may have created Lyme’s disease. Recently, the House of Representatives directed the Pentagon to disclose whether or not it used ticks to infect people with Lyme’s between 1950 and 1975. This suggests it could be a bioweapon. As scary as that might sound, you can rest easy knowing there are effective solutions.
Low Sex Drive in Women: 9 Causes and 7 Simple Solutions
(Dr. Edward F. Group) If you have trouble feeling “in the mood,” you’re not the only one. Low sex drive in women is one of the most commonly reported sexual problems.[1] Whether it’s caused by pregnancy, menopause, stress, or fatigue, loss of libido in women can happen at any time of life.
Top Practices, Herbs and Foods to Encourage a Long and Vibrant Life
(Carolanne Wright) Used for thousands of years by Indian yogis, pranayama is a practice of ultimate simplicity, yet offers profound results. In just a few minutes a day, alternate nostril breathing helps to calm an agitated mind and smoothes ruffled emotional states, clarifies thinking, improves sleep and soothes the nervous system.
Ditch the Aspirin! Ginger Works Just as Well … With None of the Side Effects
(Mary Miller) A daily dose of one aspirin a day is often prescribed for the prevention of heart disease to those who are at risk. However, just like with other over-the-counter (OTC) drugs, the use of aspirin comes with health risks and unwanted side effects. Some of these risks may include excessive bleeding, kidney and liver failure, ulcers, tinnitus, and hemorrhagic stroke. The good news is that ginger can be used as a suitable alternative to aspirin without the potential adverse effects.
It’s Possible: Nutritional Recommendations That Prevent Age-Related Macular Degeneration
(Zoey Sky) Saffron is a highly-prized spice with many uses. However, according to several studies, the spice can also be used to reduce your risk of developing age-related macular degeneration.
The Most Powerful and Effective Home Remedies You Can Use Instead of Ibuprofen
(Mary Miller) Ibuprofen is a type of a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) that is often used to relieve pain, fever, and inflammation related to a wide range of health conditions. Some people treat this over-the-counter (OTC) drug as a “cure all” panacea for many of their ailments. However, ibuprofen can often cause unwanted side effects, such as constipation, diarrhea, dizziness, bloating, and nervousness. Fortunately, you can still relieve pain and inflammation without the unintended side effects by using a range of powerful and effective natural home remedies.
Here Are Some of the Best Remedies for Your Seasonal Allergies
(Ellaine Castillo) Spring is a season of new beginnings, not just for flowering plants and trees, but also for seasonal allergies.
How to Treat Your Allergies Without Needles or Shots When SHTF
(Mary Miller) If you have an allergy or asthma attack, you can normally rely on inhalers or shots to alleviate the symptoms, but if ever SHTF, you might not have access to such medications. How then will you be able to treat your allergies in the middle of a disaster scenario? Here are some natural remedies you can use as improvised allergy treatments in case SHTF. (h/t to Survivopedia.com.)