(Mike Miller) Among all news outlet slogans on the planet — “Democracy Dies in Darkness”, “All the News That’s Fit to Print”, et al. — none is more hilariously ironic than “The Most Trusted Name in News” of CNN, whose viewership ratings continue to swirl down the public opinion toilet as fast as Joe Biden’s approval ratings.
New Harvard, Yale & Stanford Data Show 4 Out of 5 Americans Had Covid & Survived with ‘Natural Immunity’
(Kyle Becker) In the United States, the media barely mention Covid prior infections or the existence of natural immunity. Despite narrative-shattering evidence that 99% of people with prior infections have natural immunity that lasts at least 650 days with no decrease in immunity, the media are still ignoring it.
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MUST READ: Harvard Study Explodes Myths About ‘Vaccines’ Stopping the Spread – But It’s Even Worse Than That
(Kyle Becker) A Harvard study of 68 nations and 2,947 counties in the United States published in the European Journal of Epidemiology is shattering the argument that the mRNA therapeutic drugs being marketed as “vaccines” do anything significantly to stop the spread of Covid-19.
Harvard’s Breakthrough Cases are So Bad Despite Nearly Complete Vaccination It is Shutting Down School’s In-Person Classes
(Kyle Becker) Harvard Business School is shutting down its in-person classes due to breakthrough cases, despite a student vaccination rate of at least 96%.
Harvard Professor Exposes Vaccine Passports As “Scientific Nonsense”
(Ramon Tomey) A Harvard Medical School (HMS) professor has slammed vaccine passports as “scientific nonsense.” HMS professor Martin Kulldorff made the remark following the publication of a study saying natural immunity offers better protection against the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) than vaccines. Given the study’s results, Kulldorff remarked that vaccine passports are “discriminatory and unethical.”
Harvard Economist Breaks the Bad News: Bigger Paychecks Under Biden Made Useless by Spiraling Inflation
(Jack Davis) In Joe Biden’s America, earning more means buying less.
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“We Need China” – Biden’s Presumptive Ambassador Worked at a CCP-Linked Consulting Firm, And A Harvard Group Advising China’s Military.
(Natlie Winters) President Biden’s presumptive Ambassador to China – Nick Burns – is a former adviser to a consulting firm employing Chinese Communist Party officials, a board member of a Harvard University program collaborating with China’s military, and a contributor to Chinese state-run media outlets.
Harvard Medical Prof & Vaccine Expert Explains: COVID Shot Isn’t Necessary For Many
(Arjun Walia) Martin Kulldorff is a “pro vaccine” Harvard medical professor and scientist who has experienced something many of his colleagues have during this pandemic, censorship and ridicule. It’s something he’s never experienced, especially given the fact that he is a renowned expert in his field, but covid has unleashed a large attack on scientists, doctors and journalists who present information, data, science, or even an opinion that calls into question the claims of governments and the measures they are and have been taking in an attempt to stop the spread of covid. There is a lot of science and data showing that lockdowns, for example, do nothing to stop the spread of covid and have/will kill more people than the virus itself, as well as cause many other problems that go even beyond health. There are multiple dozens of these studies that have now been published.
Duke, Harvard, and Johns Hopkins Experts: COVID Lockdowns Will Cause ONE MILLION Excess Deaths
(Steve Watson) “We interpret these results as a strong indication that policymakers should take into consideration the severe, long-run implications of such a large economic recession on people’s lives when deliberating on COVID-19 recovery and containment measures.”
Harvard Researchers: Nearly HALF of Young Adults Showing Signs of Depression Amid Pandemic
(Kerry McDonald) Mounting evidence shows that pandemic-related lockdowns and restrictions have inflicted much more harm on younger people than the coronavirus itself.
CENSORED ON FACEBOOK: China, Five Eyes, and the Coronavirus: Unmasking an Agenda
(Mickey Megistus) One question I get asked a lot by people is this: If the coronavirus pandemic is really just a scam to interfere with the US presidential election, then why are there all these other countries suffering from the same scam? This is a good question, but to understand why this is the case, you have to first understand the nefarious agenda at play and its many layers.
Harvard Scientists Funded by Bill Gates to Begin Spraying Particles Into the Sky in Experiment to Dim the Sun
(Matt Agorist) No, we are not a satire site. We are not a conspiracy theory site. The information you are about to read is factually accurate and 100% real despite the ostensible ‘skeptics’ who claim otherwise. The controversial subject of geoengineering or weather modification – which was popularized, and oversimplified with the term “chemtrails” – is once again stepping from the shadows and into the light of public scrutiny. And it may soon be a reality as Harvard scientists plan first ever experiment to spray particles in the sky to dim the sun.
“Wearing A Mask…Offers Little, If Any, Protection From Infection” – Harvard Doctors
(Arjun Walia) What Happened: A paper published a couple of months ago in the New England Journal of Medicine by, Michael Klompas, M.D., M.P.H., Charles A. Morris, M.D., M.P.H., Julia Sinclair, M.B.A., Madelyn Pearson, D.N.P., R.N., and Erica S. Shenoy, M.D., Ph.D., states the following:
30-Year Study Finds Weekly Use Of Disinfectants Greatly Increases Your Chances Of Lung Disease
(Amanda Monteiro) A 30-year study conducted by Harvard researchers and the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research determined that people who use disinfectants just once a week have a 22-32% of developing lung disease.
Forgiveness: An Important Aspect of Flourishing
(Tyler J. VanderWeele Ph.D.) One of the projects of the Human Flourishing Program at Harvard University has been researching the topic of forgiveness and its importance for a flourishing life. Some of our empirical work has explored how forgiveness can powerfully shape health and well-being. For example, our research indicates that forgiveness reduces subsequent depression and anxiety by about 15-20%, when controlling for other variables, and suggests that forgiveness is a freeing and healing alternative to maladaptive responses like rumination and suppression.