(Olav Phillips) I found out about Eugenia Macer-Story by talking with Radionic Practitioners at the USPA conference in 2018. For days my mind was saturated with stories of some of my personal favorite Aetheric Researchers. Some stories included warping the fabric of reality in a hotel room to being able to hear attached entities to some members through interference with audio systems, including Tom Bearden and the author of this article Eugenia Macer-Story, a UFO investigating psychic with very in depth theories on the mechanics of the ethers.
green language
Slave Code — The Secrets Hidden in the English Language
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) The following article details what has been called “green language” or the hidden esoteric meanings of words encoded into the lexicon we use in our daily lives and on the venues of social interaction. While one can indeed make contact with these hidden meanings, it should not be assumed that […]
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Texas Hebrew Indians? The Tattooed American Hebrew Indians with Elongated Skulls in Texas
Our history has been Occulted hidden from sight and once revealed and accepted by the seeker, can awaken the Truth within. The Native American peoples are very similar to tribal peoples in other parts of the world. For example the Berber tribes of North Africa (Berber being a Ancient Greek term meaning Barbarian or Free People) resemble […]
The Language of Light – “The alphabetic forms emerge from luminous flare patterns of the brain. It is a true language of light, coursing through our very nervous system.”
For more data on this see this video The Enochian Alphabet – Language of the Angels – Vincent Bridges & Dan Winter part 1 of 8. – Justin Source – Nexus Illuminati by Sonya van Gelder With many ancient sites and artifacts being uncovered around the globe and the assistance of our modern day computer era and internet, […]
Apocalyptic Gradients – Understanding Time in relation to the Self
Another perspective discussion. We are constantly bombarded by words and their extrinsic meanings but how often to we contemplate and distill what these meanings are in relation to our personal intuitive experience? This post goes well with Discovery of the Law of Time – The False Paradigm to Control Reality (Gregorian Calendar vs Mayan Calendar). – Justin Source – Humanity Incorporate Now that we have […]