(Ramon Tomey) A 21-year-old Greek soccer player died in the early stage of a match due to cardiac arrest. Alexandro Lampis’ death followed recent instances of soccer players worldwide, all believed to be vaccinated, collapsing while on the pitch.
EMF/RF/5G/IOUT Greece Just “Won” the Race to 5G. Poor Greece. Poor Bees.
(Patricia Burke) Remember all the hype about “the race to 5G” and how important it was supposed to be for economic dominance in the 21st century? Whoever “won” was going to have a huge advantage over other countries that didn’t rush to put in 5G everywhere. Or so the narrative went.
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People-Traffickers Caught Giving Migrants Fake Covid Papers for Flights
(Chris Tomlinson) Greek police arrested three members of a people-trafficking ring on suspicion of supplying migrants with fake coronavirus documents intended to allow them to fly to other European countries.
Greek Philosophers and Seven of Their Sayings
(Exploring Your Mind) These sayings from some of the Greek philosophers date from the period between the years 6BC and 149BC. This era corresponds to what we know as Classical Greece. In this era, their philosophy was particularly outstanding. In fact, their thinking affected how our own culture developed.
The Myth of the Muses: A Source of Creative Inspiration
(Exploring Your Mind) The myth of the muses is incredibly known in the West. However, there are very few stories where these divinities have real prominence. Despite this, they were fundamental for the Greeks since it was them who gave them creative inspiration.
The Gnostic Pythia Priesthood of the Delphic Oracles
(Moe) Outside their Temple carved in stone were the ancient Gnostic maxims, “Know Thyself” and “Nothing in Excess”. For more than 1,100 years, they were some of the most powerful people to have ever rule the globe from what was once known as the center, naval, and soul of the world on the Holy Island of Crete.
Raymond Moody – Stages of Grief (Video)
Source – Jeremy McDonald by Jeremy McDonald, November 15, 2016 In the wake of all that is happening in the world. After Pulse in Orlando and among other tragic events. I felt it was necessary to reach out to one of the leading experience on the subject of Life after Death. There is many things in life that […]
“Hades,” a place of conscious torment
Source – Jeremy McDonald by Jeremy McDonald, November 13, 2016 I have often wondered why “HADES” is mentioned in the bible as well as in Greek Mythology… This is mainly because I was raised to think if it was not in the bible then it was evil or of the devil. So when I have heard reference […]
2,000 Year Old Greek Analog Computer Baffles Researchers | Ancient Humans Knew The Earth Was Round
Thank you Aaron from Manifest Destiny Triforce for this one. Perhaps the modern day view of slow and steady technological progress needs to be challenged. Archeology contends that the human race was more primitive the further back one looks at history, yet there is a growing body of evidence suggesting the reverse, that ancient humans […]
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Globalist Agenda Watch 2015: Updates 65-66 – The globalist plan to break up the great nations & Why are they talking about delaying the new SDR currency basket?
What makes a nation a powerful force to contend with is its collective unification of social issues. Nations have already been corporatized, but the powers to manage and decide what that nation rally’s together to do has been divorced from the people who live in it. This is called a de facto government, one which […]
Globalist Agenda Watch 2015: Update 60 – 64 – Looking ahead to the Fall government fiasco, The behind-the-scenes story of the Greek surrender, Greece, the July FOMC meeting
Here are the latest four updates from Ken. They are listed new to old. Related Now Is The Time – Financial Markets All Over The Planet Start To Crash Related Greece Could “Print” Its Own Money | BRICS Meeting Between Greece and Russia? – Russian Oil Makes Athens Europe’s Energy Hub! Related Greece Votes NO – Let The […]
The Bankruptcy Of The Planet Accelerates – 24 Nations Are Currently Facing A Debt Crisis
Related How and Why “The Money Masters” Took Control (Full Documentary) Related Greece Could “Print” Its Own Money | BRICS Meeting Between Greece and Russia? – Russian Oil Makes Athens Europe’s Energy Hub! Source – ZeroHedge There has been so much attention on Greece in recent weeks, but the truth is that Greece represents only a very tiny […]
25 Signs That The Global Elite’s Ship Is About To Sink
This is a compilation of developments for the first half of 2015 lending credence to the notion this year will be a major nexus point of change. This was prophesied to some degree by the Blood Moon Tetrad which we reported on earlier this year. Related Blood Moon Tetrad Suggests World Changing Events for 2015? | […]
Globalist Agenda Watch 2015: Update 60 – The “evil” Germans and the “oppressed” Greeks
Short update from Ken today. Related All Trading Halted On NYSE, White House Monitoring Outage, Software “Glitch” Blamed Related It Can Happen Here: The Confiscation Scheme Planned for US and UK Depositors Related Greece Could “Print” Its Own Money | BRICS Meeting Between Greece and Russia? – Russian Oil Makes Athens Europe’s Energy Hub! Related Greece Votes NO – […]
Globalist Agenda Watch 2015: Update 59 – Ukraine in Greece: How the globalists will play the coming Greek disorder (+ a P.S. x 2)
Related All Trading Halted On NYSE, White House Monitoring Outage, Software “Glitch” Blamed Related It Can Happen Here: The Confiscation Scheme Planned for US and UK Depositors Related Greece Could “Print” Its Own Money | BRICS Meeting Between Greece and Russia? – Russian Oil Makes Athens Europe’s Energy Hub! Related Greece Votes NO – Let The Chaos Begin… For […]