(Kyle Becker) The Washington Post’s “fact checker” Glenn Kessler is throwing up his hands at compiling Biden’s dubious claims beyond the 100-day honeymoon period.
government coverup
Fact: Rights Are Not Gifts From Government
(Michael Boldin) A lot of people misunderstand the nature of their rights. The source.
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Secret ET Global Takedown or Another Internecine Illuminati War?
(Preston James, Ph.D) The current massive rise in populism in America is obviously an emergent byproduct of the worldwide Internet, the New Gutenberg Press and this new populism is now deeply challenging the power and control of the Ruling Cabal. But is it just another internecine war between individual Illuminati sub-groups fighting for supremacy over the rest? Or is it actually a serious challenge to displace the Illuminati itself, a secret Cosmic Space War against the Illuminati and all its sub-groups?
Pepsi Caught Hiding Known Cancer Causing Carcinogenic Chemicals Contained Within Their Products
(Alanna Ketler) Back in 2013, the Center for Environmental Health released test results which uncovered that Pepsi had purposefully covered up high levels of 4-MeI in it’s products. The soft drink giant denied both the presence of this chemical in it’s beverages and the fact that it was dangerous. 4-MeI, short for 4-Methylimidazole is a compound that comes from the “caramel colouring” and is a known carcinogen.
Islamist Rape Culture Devastates Europe — Infidel Women: Spoils of War
(Humans Are Free) One aspect of radical Islamist aggression that Westerners often overlook is that non-Muslim women tend to be its greatest victims.
Chilean Air Force Receives A Radar Return of A UFO Equal To The Size of Ten or More Aircraft Carriers
(Arjun Walia) UFOs are perhaps the most searched subject on internet search engines at the moment and if they’re not, they’re close to the top. Interest in the subject matter continues to grow, and the Deep State community has certainly recognized it. Years and years of petitioning from the citizenry and UFO disclosure advocacy groups, on top of other international governments acknowledging the phenomenon, not to mention hundreds of high-ranking people from numerous ranks within military agencies, academia and intelligence agencies have all come forth sharing their knowledge and experiences.
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The Shocking Truth About McCarthyism: Modern Parallels — It’s Not What You Think!
(Justin Deschamps) You’ve probably heard that McCarthyism is that dark time in history when a power-mad US Senator wrongly accused people of working with communists. What you probably don’t know is far more disturbing. The truth about this part of history is very relevant today because there is a similar agenda unfolding now.
Internal CDC Documents Reveal They Manipulated Data to Conceal a Link Between Autism & Vaccines
(Vera Sharav) “A Foolish Faith In Authority Is The Worst Enemy Of The Truth”– Albert Einstein Source – Collective Evolution By Vera Sharav, February 12, 2018 Note from the World Mercury Project Team: Following is Part Six in Vera Sharav’s seven-part exposé of the complex and widespread corruption that exists in the vaccination program, the […]
Police Caught in Another Lie as Authorities Finally Admit to Multiple Suspects in Vegas Massacre
(Matt Agorist) Las Vegas, NV — It has been months since the worst shooting in modern history was carried out in Las Vegas and Americans have been lied to, led astray, and essentially kept in the dark as to what went down that tragic evening. Official narratives have shifted like the tide and despite dozens of lawsuits and media requests, […]
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‘Show Us the Tapes!’: Activists March on Mandalay Bay to Demand Release of Paddock Video
(Matt Agorist) Dozens of activists gathered in front of the Mandalay Bay Casino Resort to demand police “show us the tapes” of Stephen Paddock inside the casino. Related FBI Wipes Phones and Laptops of Las Vegas Massacre Eyewitnesses Source – TheFreeThoughtProject by Matt Agorist, January 22nd, 2018 Las Vegas, NV — Dozens of protesters took to […]
Moon has 250 Million People with Huge Cities and a Civilization (VIDEO)
https://youtu.be/dI5HD_IZvtU _________________________ Stillness in the Storm Editor’s note: Did you find a spelling error or grammar mistake? Do you think this article needs a correction or update? Or do you just have some feedback? Send us an email at sitsshow@gmail.com with the error, headline and url. Thank you for reading. _______
US Gov’t Caught Experimenting on Hundreds of Poor Pregnant Women With Radiation
(John Vibes) Nearly 1,000 pregnant women were given radioactive iron by their doctors without their knowledge, as part of a series of experiments for the US military during the Cold War. Related The Guernsey Experiment: Is It an Effective Solution for Eliminating Debt Slavery? Source – TheFreeThoughtProject by John Vibes January 22nd 2018 Between the years of […]
Letting It Happen: JFK’s Murder, 9/11 and the False Flag Playbook
(George Cassidy Payne) All it takes to carry out plots such as the JFK assassination and September 11, is for the authorities tasked with defense to orchestrate a way to let down their guard without being exposed for criminal negligence. Related Can a False Flag be Used for Good? YES IT CAN!! Source – TheSleuthJournal by […]
Highly Important UAP/Extraterrestrial Disclosure / Confirmation Process in Progress
(Giorgio Piacenza) The “GIMBAL” video is the first officially declassified video by the U.S. Government of a true UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon). The location date and time and other factors are not shown in the case of this official video that is under an official chain of custody. Related CIA Teases with Tweet of UFO Photo […]
The Final Part of Britain’s Real-Life X-Files Has Been Released – But Does the Government Have Something to Hide?
(George Harrison) The MoD (Britain’s Ministry of Defence) has spent ten years releasing a trickle of declassified files relating to UFO sightings… and now the final three documents have been made public. This final release completes the Government’s long process of publishing Britain’s real-life X Files, formerly top-secret papers containing eyewitness accounts, sketches and police reports […]