(Joe Hoft) President Trump warns the RINOs in the GOP Senate to watch what they are doing with the “Gun Control” bill they are pushing through.
GOP Senators
PA State Senator Doug Mastriano Holds Private Briefing with GOP Senators on AZ-Style Audit – Contacts Law Firm on Audit Funding Options
(Jim Hoft) In early June a Pennsylvania delegation was escorted into the Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Arizona for an on-the-scene tour of the forensic audit facility.
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ONLY EIGHT: Here Are the Eight GOP Senators Who Stood With President and Against Arizona and Pennsylvania Election Results
(Jim Hoft) Only Six of 52 GOP Senators stood with President Trump and secure elections during voting last night on the Senate floor.
President Trump Warns Weakling GOP Senators: “I Will NEVER FORGET! — And Neither Will His 75 Million Voters!
(Jim Hoft) President Trump posted a warning to RINO Senators on Christmas Eve.