(Raheem J. Kassam) Fewer voters now trust the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and many believe the agency is acting as President Joe Biden’s “personal Gestapo” – a reference to Adolf Hitler’s secret German police – new data from Rasmussen Reports has revealed.
VIDEO: French Police Patrol Coffee Shop To Enforce Vaccine Passports, COVID Tyranny
(Andrew White) After the French government announced the implementation of the COVID-19 vaccine passport, hundreds of thousands of citizens took to the streets in protest. One video has surfaced online showing French police patrol a coffee shop, stopping to ask customers to prove that they have a valid vaccine passport and asking if they have the right to be there.
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The Gestapo is Back in Berlin: 600 Arrests, 1 Dead, Women and Children Beaten in the Street at Berlin Anti-Lockdown Protest
(Richard Abelson) While a hundred thousand Frenchmen protested against Macron’s vaccine passports on Sunday in Paris, German police violently shut down a protest in Berlin. The United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture is investigating the use of excessive force.