(Gary Z McGee) Becoming free is creating your own virtuous system despite being outflanked by unvirtuous systems controlled by unvirtuous men. It is cultivating a healthy way of living despite the unhealthy ways of unhealthy men. It’s becoming so “absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion” (Albert Camus). Then it’s building “a new model that makes the existing model obsolete” (Buckminster Fuller).
Supreme Court Takes Case That Could End Internet Censorship, Expand First Amendment
(Carmine Sabia) After the recent purge of over 800 independent media outlets on Facebook, the Supreme Court is now hearing a case that could have ramifications for any future attempts at similar purges.
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The Philosophy of the Free-Range Human
(Gary Z McGee) The path from status-quo junkie to having a higher perspective is a difficult one. No doubt. Similarly, the path from soft-slave statist to free-range human is difficult. But as Spinoza said,“All things excellent are as difficult as they are rare.” The philosophy of the free-range human is an attempt at being excellent despite the difficulty.
8 Things You Need to Know (But Probably Don’t)
(Gary Z McGee) It is of the first order of importance to remember this: “the system cannot be fixed by the system.” It can only be fixed by the resistance of healthy, reasonable, imaginative, knowledgeable, compassionate and non-violent individuals. It can only be fixed by people who have re-conditioned their cultural conditioning, un-matrixed the Matrix, ninjaneered their statist indoctrination, and unwashed their political brainwash.
Natural Law (Part 3): Moving Beyond Enslavement
(Richard Enos) So far, our discussion has revolved around the capacity of human beings to create, in adherence with the principles that govern Natural Law. This capacity, when taken in the aggregate, makes us collectively responsible for the world that has been made manifest today. And looking at the world today, it is pretty safe to say that we have been party to our own enslavement, and on a collective level we still continue to sit idly by while our rights and freedoms are increasingly taken away.
4 Signs We Live in a Profoundly Sick Society
(Gary Z McGee) What makes our society so sick? How do we know for sure that our society is unhealthy? Is there a way to reason our way into a clear explanation for why our society is unfit for healthy human beings attempting to evolve in a healthier way?
Facebook Algorithm Flags The Declaration Of Independence As “Hate Speech”
(Mac Slavo) Over the last couple of years major social media, news and video platforms have been actively engaged in the censorship of what they believe to be fake news and information. Often spearheaded by third-party review organizations known to have biased views, there have been countless examples of unpopular speech and commentary that has seen its distribution suppressed or outright banned. […]
Five Ways Schools Destroy Children’s Freedom (And What To Do About It)
(Jennifer Lade) Parenting for Freedom article series: This is the fourth in a series of articles that analyzes how freedom-loving people can align their parenting with their political philosophy, and how doing so will allow ideas about personal liberty to carry on to the next generation. Related Raising Awake Children in a Broken School System Source – Activist Post […]
5 Ways to Find Freedom and Liberation in a World that Demands Your Enslavement
(Juliet Tang) You have a job. You put food on the table, pay your bills, and possibly own a house and a car, or a ton of houses and cars. But you feel enslaved. You are bound by invisible chains that tell you what to think, deprive you of your dreams that once made your heart […]
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The Responsibility of Freedom
(Julian Rose) A lot of people are writing and talking about spirit, higher self, personal enlightenment, shining health, transformation and the attainment of the Godly. A lot of people are following the words of those who proclaim knowledge of the above. Related: Earth “Advanced Spiritual Training School” – And why your Inner work is so important Source […]
10 Things You’re Not Supposed to Know
(Gary ‘Z’ McGee) “The general population doesn’t know what’s happening, and it doesn’t even know that it doesn’t know.” ~Noam Chomsky Related: Trumpocalypse & 5 Ridiculously Outdated Assumptions Every Statist Makes — People Seeking Freedom Should Read This Source – Waking Times by Gary ‘Z’ McGee, October 10th, 2017 1.) It is nearly impossible to pay off the […]
Putin Warns: AI Will Be the Ultimate Weapon for World Domination… (And Google Is Working on It)
(JD Heyes) The Russian president has become the latest person to warn of the dangers of artificial intelligence (AI), actually predicting that whoever masters the technology first can rule the world. Related: Transhumanism vs. Ascension | The Skingularity is Near – Free eBook by William Henry Source – Natural News by JD Heyes, September 8th, 2017 Addressing students […]
Snowden Smashes the Police State in Most Epic Rant Ever, ‘Terrorists Don’t Take Our Rights, Govt Does’
(Claire Bernish) “Terrorists don’t hate us for our freedom,” the former NSA contractor asserted, “they don’t even know what our freedoms are… Terrorists are incapable of destroying our rights or diminishing our society they lack the strength — only we can do that.” – Edward Snowden Whistleblower Edward Snowden does not mince words, and his […]
Facebook Exodus? Minds.com: Encrypted, Community-Owned Social Network Emerges to Challenge FB
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) The ability to share and distribute information is an essential part of the consciousness evolution taking place at this time. The powers that should not be know that information control is everything, for the data we absorb directly affects our state of being and behavior. Furthermore, the content we produce […]
Did Facebook Just Sentence a Man to Death? — Social Media as Political Informant and Government Agent
by Conscious Optimist According to Mussolini, “fascism” can be defined as a complete merger of corporate and state power. By now, readers of “alt” media are certainly aware of Facebook’s prominent role in the war against free speech, largely spearheaded, interestingly enough, by modern day universities in the West, and their seemingly pro-Islam faculty and […]