(Edward Morgan) Was man given Free Will when he took his place on the surface of our home planet Earth? Teachings and educational accounts say “Yes” and this Prime Directive comes into play everyday in the decisions of our Society’s Co-Creative Consciousness. However, many questions arise as to the veracity of this claim. For example: Does our Earth surface Humanity allow unfettered good to happen to its inhabitants naturally? Or are our lives controlled and subjugated by fear? Do we manifest our Creator’s intended spirituality and evolution? Or, are our Birth Rights under heavy attack in attempts to control us by Dark Forces? Does all of Humanity approve of the wars we’re involved in? Or do Humanity’s wars benefit the few self-appointed “elites?” Are our elections run freely and do the masses votes count? Or, are we under the illusion of Democracy where voting is second to actual vote counting. Who then, do our politicians and government serve if not the people?
free will
The Reality Of Mind-Reading: Neuroscientists Can Predict Your Choices 11 Seconds Before You Make Them
(Dagny Taggart) Does free will truly exist?
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Reincarnation & Free Will: History, Soul Trap Theory, Evolution of Consciousness w/ Adam Riva
How do free will and reincarnation work together? What does history say about reincarnation? How have the Deep State manipulated consciousness through cosmic narrative? Adam Riva, of Dauntless Dialogue, and I discuss all this in much more in this deep dive into the question of reincarnation.
How Learning and Memory Relate to Free Will
(William R. Klemm Ph.D.) One common definition of “free will” is that a person can decide or choose among multiple alternatives without being forced by physical laws, luck, fate, or divine will. Most of us feel we are in charge of our choices when no outside force requires us to make a particular choice. But it is fashionable these days for scholars to insist that free will is an illusion, a trick the brain plays on us. I will spare you the philosophical knots of specious assumptions and convoluted logic that scholars tie themselves into.
Negative Forces (Seem to) Respect Freewill — And Why Evil Exists in a Benevolent Creation
(Justin Deschamps) The following is a thought-provoking discussion about the nature of negative forces and how they seem to respect free will. As someone who has studied law, history, the paranormal, the dark occult, and various other related topics, I think this is a valid contention.
Why the Global Elite Hide the Truth in Plain Sight (The KEY to Taking Our Power Back!)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIPBQ3O8Wr0 Related – What is a “Law”??? Natural Law vs Man’s law Related – 7 Natural Laws of the Universe _________________________ Stillness in the Storm Editor’s note: Did you find a spelling error or grammar mistake? Do you think this article needs a correction or update? Or do you just have some feedback? Send us […]
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Q: “Why haven’t ET’s/GOD come down?!” – A: FREE WILL (Video)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXwILTOVL0M Related – Understanding why Free Will is Real and Exists | Free Will: the First Principle of Natural Law – Mentalism and Correspondence _________________________ Stillness in the Storm Editor’s note: Did you find a spelling error or grammar mistake? Do you think this article needs a correction or update? Or do you just have […]
Awaken Curiosity for Better Memory, Fulfillment and Empowerment | New Research Suggests What Curiosity Can Do For Your Brain
Curiosity is the initiator of knowledge. It is the gravity of consciousness. It is a boon of the awakening and a bane of the controllers. Curiosity at a cosmic level, exploring the mysteries of existence, the universe, and the individual’s relationship to it are one of the most powerful tools for the awakening mind. The […]
Choice Matters, Use it Wisely | Science Explains How Complaining is Negatively Altering Your Brain
The power to choose is one of our greatest abilities. Every moment of our lives we are making choices to either accept or reject experience, and this choice has a marked effect on how we perceive the world. Often our first reactions to new things become an automatic program, guiding our behavior as if by […]
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Understanding why Free Will is Real and Exists | Free Will: the First Principle of Natural Law – Mentalism and Correspondence
We have been discussing Natural Law in our weekly radio show, Practical Knowledge for the Awakening, which you can review here. The first Principle of Natural Law is Mentalism, that all things are mental, and a result of MIND. Herein is described the foundational aspect of why free will exists; we think, therefore we are. The […]