(Patty McMurray) 100 Percent Fed Up reports – Throughout the election, Donald Trump was battered by CCP Virus statistics in order to hurt the American economy and his political campaign. We know that it was shamelessly wielded as a political weapon to prevent President Trump and his supporters from rallying as Antifa and Black Lives Matter burned progressive poor and minority neighborhoods to the ground throughout the entire year. Now that Biden has been installed into the office of president, he promises to increase Covid lockdown measures and extend them further into your ability to travel and force unscientific mask-wearing for at least 100 days.
How The Financial System Actually Works: The Truth About All Central-Bank Controlled Nations
(Richard Enos) The website endthefed.org introduces us to the Federal Reserve as follows:
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Planned Parenthood Could Face Federal Charges for Trafficking Baby Body Parts
(Ethan Huff) Republican Congressman Trent Franks of Arizona is calling on Attorney General Jeff Sessions to step up and take action in prosecuting the nation’s largest abortion mill, Planned Parenthood, for illegally selling murdered baby body parts as part of a massive, underground criminal operation. Related: Shocking Video: Planned Parenthood Director Caught Admitting Babies Born Alive After Abortion are […]
Brian Kelly’s Blog: Federal Children Exposed
Source Federal Children ExposedAugust 12, 2013 I’m posting this article because it’s sourced with a lot of great references. When we collectively become aware of corruption, we collectively free ourselves from the corrupt. ~BK Original article here. Federal Children/through fraud and deception the federal corporation thinks they own you and your children. In 1921, the federal […]
Occupy Corporatism: Federal Court Rules: Your Cell Phone is a Gov Tracking Device
The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that since customers give up private information to their cell phone companies, which are a 3rd party, this data is public knowledge and not protected under privacy laws. This decision is based on the third-party doctrine that is a “legal concept established by a set of court decisions over decades that […]